Recoving in Salem

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January 15th 2006
Published: January 15th 2006
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Subha & Me at Puja RoomSubha & Me at Puja RoomSubha & Me at Puja Room

This photo is of my host mom, Subha. She has become a close girlfriend-she's just wonderful! We're standing in front of their puja room (where daily prayers and family spiritual functions are held). Hindu familes all have a Puja room. I'm in the red silk saree they selected for me and gave me as a surprise gift.
Hi Everyone:
Sorry that I've been away for awhile. I haven't had a chance to write mostly because I've been very ill. Two nights ago I started feeling poorly. I think that I got a bad flu...high fever, body aches, nausea and much more. Now I know that you aren't wishing you were here! The whole team has been ill over the last week, at different times and to different degrees. Wish I could have skipped this part of the journey, but I suppose it is part of the package. I think I'm just about recovered...I slept for ten hours last night and just got up from a three hour nap. They are giving me many pills, which are much stronger than our meds and I have no idea what I'm taking. They seem to be working tho, so I'm sure not complaining. We're going to yet another dinner party and then I'm back to bed.

We're back in Salem at my very favorite hosts' house. I wasn't supposed to stay with them for these three days back in Salem, but they surprised me and canceled their trip away so that I could be with them. We've grown very close.
The Gang at HypnosisThe Gang at HypnosisThe Gang at Hypnosis

Here we're hanging out at a fabulous moroccan bar in Bangalore called was fabulous! The gentleman on the far left in pink is the team leader of the Rotary Group Study Exchange team coming here from India for the month of June.
We're discussing a business venture back in the US and they are trying to get a US visa to come for vacation next year. They have many friends and relatives across our country...and I would love to show them the Grand Canyon! If they come, you'll all have to meet them, as they are fabulous very geneous and good hearted. He is the President of his Rotary Club here.

Last night I wore my very first full saree. My hosts bought it for me as a surprise and I wore it for a presentation in front of all the combined Rotary Clubs in Salem. The saree is bright red is stunning! Wait until you see it and the pics. If I hadn't felt like I was going to die (during the entire presentation I thought I might pass out and I was sweating like crazy from the fever), it would have been much more fun 😉 Nothing felt better than collapsing into bed last night...I can't remember being so sick and miserable...and we had a four hour car trip yesterday to get to Salem...I was delerious.

As I said, the entire team has been sick, but I think they are all better troopers than I am. I was really having trouble functioning...they have each been better at sucking it up than I have, I think. But those of you who know me, know that I am a real baby when I'm sick. Yesterday morning, when I woke up miserable in Bangalore, facing a four hour van trip on bad roads with toliets yuckier than you can imagine along the way, I cried in Mike's arms for about five minutes...I could hardly face it. (We are so blessed to be here with Mike. He is sooo very good to us and completely supportive.) And I've just about fully kicked this thing (whatever god-forsaken thing it is), so all is well.

I must go, as I have to put on yet another wonderful Indian outfit! Hugs and kisses to all of you from the other side of the world!

PS: I must tell you about our evening in Bangalore at the Moraccon bar/disco/restaurant. It could have been in Scottsdale...and it was a total blast!


20th January 2006

poo & the yuks!
I sweetie. I am so sorry you were ill. The grandkids left and we both got the flu! no stress here! I absolutely love reading everything you write! You have got to do some sort of a video/photo/documentary! Hey new career! miss ya

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