Finally In Chennai

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June 20th 2007
Published: June 20th 2007
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We made it to Chennai! We spent last night in Delhi but had no internet access. Right now it is 7:00 and we are waiting for dinner. We are trying not to pass out and actually stay awake till 9 or so. Hopefully, if we can get a good night's rest we will be ready for a normal day. It's been interesting hearing the new team member's "oohs" and "ahhs" at some of the sights. They told me that no amount of preparation could have lessened the impact for how amazing it is here. The sheer number of people is hard to get used to and the poverty hits you in the face like a ton of bricks. Tonight we practiced for a play that we will be putting on tomorrow at one of the HOPE clinics. We will be performing in the streets! The topics are the dangers of alcoholism and the importance of education for children. Should be fun. I've already met people that I remember from last time and it's really cool to have faces stand out in the crowd. Well, I want some of the others to get a chance to write so I will get going.
I miss my family, friends, and coworkers a ton. Jen and Ev, I love you!!!!!

hey family, i miss you all, india is awsome!!!!! family, i thankyou you for praying that i make it here! we are working on a skit to put on thursday morning for hope! the disciples here are very encouraging and faithful! i gotta go ,honey i miss you and the kids.!!!!!kiss them for me! and guys continue to crank for the lord!
p.s. who got kicked off hells kitchen? was it the crying chef?
love in the lord

Hey Everyone!! ....HI MOM AND TONY!!
India is amazing; a totally different experience and culture than America. Just driving down the streets you can see the homes built from straw and sticks. I feel so guilty looking back on what i have and seeing what they dont have. The first night in a hotel was an experience for me and erica. We woke up around 6 in the morning and I looked at the ceiling and thought i saw something. Next thing i know its running across the ceiling and Erica and I are getting our bags and scurrying into the hallway. It was a gecko. We're doing a play on alcoholism and education tomorrow for the HOPE clinincs. It should be amazing!! Were performing in the streets so there will be people everywhere watching. Pray that i dont freeze up!!
I miss you and love you all!!
God Bless, Audy

Hey Guys!
Thus far, this has been an amazing trip! I miss each and every one of you. The Indian culture is very unique, as is the smell of the air. Please pray that I don't get some sort of respiratory infection. The atmosphere wreaks with car emission and the humidity seems to be thickening. I hope this is all making sense. I'm desperately struggling with jet lag. Anyway, our Indian brothers and sisters have indirectly called me higher in areas of humility, servitude and the need for prayer. They were awesome and genuinely displayed their love in action and in truth (1John)! I can't wait to see what's in store for tomorrow. Ya know... where going to be doing a HOPE Worldwide play in the streets tomorrow! Is that amazing or what? Anyway, gotta go. Cristelle (or someone), PLEASE TELL MY MOM THAT I MADE IT HERE SAFELY. Thanks a bunch!

Love ya'll
Ericka ^_^


20th June 2007

Love from da U.P.
Hi Hon and everyone! It's great to read your first blog! My heart is so tickly thinking about what you are doing, the hotel (I think it's the same one we stayed in in 2005), the brothers and sisters there. Please tell Paul, Rani, and Johnson I said hi! Deb, Ev and I got here last night and are relaxing. Mom, Dad and Gran are well. Have fun doing your play! It sounds incredible--I know you will draw a crowd, as you will wherever you go! Hon, I love you and miss you! --Jen
20th June 2007

Hello from Michigan
Hi brothers and sisters!! I'm so excited that all of you made it there safely. Good luck with the HOPE play- wow! performing on the streets sounds amazing!! Watch out for geckos guys! We love you and will be praying for your stength and support in our Lord, Jesus Christ. Love deb
21st June 2007

Hi everyone!
I know that you are being changed by your experiences there, and that the Indian people are encouraged by your service to them. God will bless your sacrifice, even though it may be difficult at times with the air being polluted and the poverty being so overwhelming. Don't try to ignore what God is telling you and showing you--drink it in and let it settle in your hearts. God bless each one of you for offering yourselves to be servants for these few weeks! I know his angels are watching over you and rejoicing in your hearts of sacrifice and caring. Stay safe and be of great courage! You are in our thoughts and prayers here. Love your sister, Luanne Berk
21st June 2007

Glad you made it!
Hey Brothers and Sisters, I'm glad you all made there safely. Say hello to the churches there and have fun serving there. Look forward to your return. Hey Damon, I don't remember her name. The girl who was booted off was from the D though. The news showed her family. Love in Christ, Walter R.

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