A trip to the Taj and then over to Raj!

Asia » India » Rajasthan
May 8th 2010
Published: May 8th 2010
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ENGLISH So with one of the most traditional ceremonies under our belts, our first train ride and a dodgy taxi driver, we left Delhi for the 2nd time by train. We were heading South to a little city called Agra. Now in Agra there is a tomb. A tomb so grand that it moves the hearts of even the most hardened of men. It's a structure built only of love. Of complete and utter dedication and passion fr... Read Full Entry

Photos are below
Photos: 132, Displayed: 21


Some India visitorsSome India visitors
Some India visitors

Indicke navstevnicky
From the eastFrom the east
From the east

Z vychodnej casti Taju
Zuzana, Taj Mahal in handZuzana, Taj Mahal in hand
Zuzana, Taj Mahal in hand

Ja s Taj Mahalom v dlani
Local ChildrenLocal Children
Local Children

Miestne deti
Street ScenesStreet Scenes
Street Scenes

Sceny z ulic

India ma miliony takychto opic!
Ludo, Indian styleLudo, Indian style
Ludo, Indian style

Clovece nezlob sa!
Street ShopsStreet Shops
Street Shops

Poulicne obchodiky
Two old DearsTwo old Dears
Two old Dears

Starsie obcanky
Tuk TukTuk Tuk
Tuk Tuk

Tuk Tuk
Us and the Dutch GirlsUs and the Dutch Girls
Us and the Dutch Girls

Tuk Tuk'ing around Jaipur My a Holandanky v Tuk Tuku
The Pink CityThe Pink City
The Pink City

Ruzove Mesto
Street ScenesStreet Scenes
Street Scenes

Sceny z ulic

8th May 2010

A most romantic story
Namaste cute couple - that was a most romantic story of your journey to Agra - and beyond (well, except for the part about Z's Delhi Belly - I am sure that wasn't very romantic) I loved the pics - nice one of you sleeping D -you'd think they'd let royalty-look-alikes take a rest now and again.
8th May 2010

Beautiful pictures! I see you fixed your camera! :) It looks like you are having a lots of fun! Enjoy for me too! :)
8th May 2010

Hi guys!!! I am that "peruvian" in your story about Jaisalmer's desert, there is just something a little bit wrong.... I'm not peruvian, Im colombian!!!!! I know for you it seems the same (Sudamerican people), but trust me IT IS NOT THE SAME. Anyway, your diary is great! you write and describe it amazing, all detailed! when I was reading the short part I have been in, I had some fresh and good memories. Thank you fot that. Big hugs! Ana Lucía.
8th May 2010

India et al
We have greatly enjoyed reading all of your blogs - but the latest one covering your travels around India is superb. Keep it up, we look fwd to the next exiciting instalment.
8th May 2010

Very nice pics ! I m just you are having a great time. Don't forget to bring us back a camel as promised
8th May 2010

Loving your blogs chaps! India looks A-mazing. Photo's are fantastic as are your reports! Can't wait to read more. Lots of love to you both - Alex x x
8th May 2010

Zuzinka, ja to velmi prezivam s vami. Uzasne, kolko mate zazitkov a kolko ludi ste spoznali. Naaadherne fotky! Vela z nich by som si vedela predstavit vo svojom byte :-)) Davajte si na seba pozor, myslim na vas.!
8th May 2010

Hi Bro, Hi Zuzana, I'm gonna be honest with you both, I've not read it all as yet but had a jolly good look through the most beautiful photographs... wow what an incrdible place it looks, I adore the ones of the Taj Mahal and would agree that I too (see, I read up to there!) would have been quite emotional seeing such an amazing building and to have gone through its history as you both have done (well you haven't really). Your descriptions of both places and history are fascinating and I promise I will finish off the blogs shortly. I have printed them all off and I usually take them to bed with me (instead of Nick, as its less messy - oh christ I have just realised others read this, erase that!). Anyway, you both take care in Cambodia and be safe and don't travel to Bangkok if you don't have to as its still unsafe. Love you both dearly and miss you. Biz xxxx
9th May 2010

the journey continues...
Wow, your pictures of India are amazing! And the blog, as ever, hilarious. Have you ever thought of putting it all together in a book? Seriously, my favorite genre is humorous travelogues. With a little polish you guys could be the next Bill Bryson! travel safe, emily
9th May 2010

Well done again cousin David and Zuzana. Great blog, thanks for the time it must take to put together. Its great to know you are having such a great adventure and are safe and well. So looking forward to seeing you both and catching up properly in June. see you then. Cheers , Cousin John
14th May 2010

ahojky vy dvaja cestovatelia :-) tak vam zavidim, asi sa mate super, ze?? :-) Zuzinka prepac, ze sa nezapajam do pisania prispevkov, no som velmi malo pri kompe, skor pouzivam notebook a tam nemam airwave adresu, tak ked som pri stolovom kompe, rychlo pozriem ako sa mate a nestiham vam pisat, no ale dufam, ze sa nehnevas, ja sa polepsim :-) no ale foto su krasne a je super, ze tu pisete, aspon sa nieco dozviem o svete a viem, ze sa mavate dobre. tak zatial papa a pozdrav Davida :-)
31st May 2010

Ahojte. Zuzanko, ja sa Vám musím ospravedlniť, že som Vám ešte nenapísala a neokomentovala Vašu cestu.... Fotečky sú nádherné, a tie zážitky čo musíte mať. Viem, že sa to nepatrí, ale závidím. Dnes som bola u Vás doma v Jánoch. Dávala som Palimu opraviť auto. S Tvojou maminkou sme kávičkovali a kecali. Zajtra idete teda do Austrálie, tak nech sa Vám tam páči a nech v zdraví prídete domov. Pozdravujeme. Dávajte si na seba pozor. pa JANKA a JANKO
31st July 2010

Hey guys, it's great to see you happy and healthy :) ...picts are soooooo beautiful!!! enjoy a take care of each other :) thinking of you :) xxxx

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