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August 17th 2006
Published: August 17th 2006
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Hello again all, I was hoping to put some pictures up here but the computer I'm using is a little old, the owner looked at the USB cable as if it has just been sent from the future and its running Windows 98 so its going to be words I'm afraid. I wanted to show you all a unique site india, never before have I seen someone 3 point turning an elephant in a street!

Udaipur is nice although it appears with the creation of new hindu goods everyday in India, I have somehow been created as the god rain. At every city or town that I go to, within minutes of me arriving, there is a deluge like I have never seen before! The lake in the middle of Udiapur nearly burst its banks yesterday, the dam for it was overflowing and many of the roads my rickshaw driver attempted to drive me down were flooded. Still its a nice place, although theres loads of hotels going up around the lake, so parts of it resemble a building site, but its nice. Went to the city palace in the rain yesterday, unfortunately I forgot to put my camera away, In india you get charged for taking a camera into places although what this actually means is don't show the guard you camera and you'll get in. I has to put in the cloakroom. It was the usual extravagant fair of nice buildings, Mosiacs, furniture so no one's missing anything.

Unfortunately my health has somewhat detiorated, I have an eye infection and my stomach has been bad for over a week. I've got some antibotics but for now I'm on a soup/fruit diet and these drinks called ORS (Oral Rehydration Salts) Which taste like dishwater. If I haven't improved by Mumbai I might seek some more help, it was getting bad.

Tommorrow I start on the mother of all train journeys to Mumbai which I'm not really looking forward to as I'm ill and I've heard some bad stories about Mumbai but I like big cities so it can't be that bad surely........


17th August 2006

Hey stu-ie! Just wrote you a mammoth note then realised an email might be better. Hope you get it!

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