Forts, Forks and Fairytales...!

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May 10th 2008
Published: May 10th 2008
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Ok so....

Take one Ancient Fort
Add an almighty desert thunderstorm
A touch of imagination
And you may just find yourself in a Medieval Indian Fairytale ...!!!!

I say this as last night we had the most fantastic thunderstorm I have ever seen, Our guest house has a good view from the roof terrace of the famous hill top 'Meherangarh Fort' so with lightening striking behind it the hill was lit up and the silhouette of the fort walls were eerily imposing. We had visted the fort in the day so I knew all about the history of it and the battles that had been raged there, so gazing up at it during the strom I could kind of imagine a raging war during a storm and could picture the siege taking place.

Nic - The storm was so fierce, it actually got quite scary and after seeing the forks of lightning filling the sky a few times, we hastily retreated down from the roof for fear of being struck! The rain was phenominal too and the streets soon turned into rivers - although our guesthouse manager couldn't understand why we were so amazed by it (apparantly it
Just managed to catch this one...Just managed to catch this one...Just managed to catch this one...

...after about 3hrs of trying!
becomes waist deep in monsoon and consumes most of the shops!)

We have been staying within the outer fort walls of the infamous "Blue City", historicly named because the Brahmins of the old times painted their homes in Indigo.....making for a lovely view from the fort above!

Again, there is lots of colour here and the narrow streets of the city with their Haveli's and decorations really makes you feel as if you're in the fairytale that Dan spoke of earlier! The atmosphere here is really quite magical.

Dan - Our Hindi is getting really good now and we can now hold small conversation, we keep suprising the locals when we answer thier questions in Hindi. It just shows you that if you really want to learn something its alot easier (wish i tried this hard at school!!!!)...... It stops us getting ripped off so much..!

Nic - We're off to Jaisalmer tonight and are really looking forward to our desert safari tomorrow - On camels of course!...we'll be staying over night in the dunes with only the camels and stars for company!!...fingers crossed they wont spit at us too much!

Dan - Jaisalmer is on the far west side of India near the Pakistan border.........eek...Don't worry we will be in safe hands............won't we?????????

Ha until the next blog......Namaste

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Photos: 17, Displayed: 17


One for the shooting clubOne for the shooting club
One for the shooting club

Who needs 7's with this bad boy......ok....PULL !!!

12th May 2008

man these stories get better no only are u more in tune and knowledgable about wots goin on it seems the places are more interesting!! the lightining picks were great! ah dan the man haha puff puff pass my work peoiple think im mad crackin up here lol nic you look really well that indian life is the life!!!and to think you are not even half way on ur trip.....keep it up guys....good luck as always...always remain cautious no matter how much info you gain ok!!!! we do worry about u!!! oh and an update here is that its baking!! 27 most days!!! every1 is so happy lol ciao xx
14th May 2008

hey guys, Oh my god all these pics and info are so........... amazing sorry havent been in touch for a while havent been on PC much. But just caught up on everything now u did make me laugh bout the birds cow monkeys etc...the animals seem to be taking the mickey out of ya LOL, monkeys could be bit scary though even if there were only 5 dan u wimp ( ha ha ) LOL Bet its so much easier knowing a bit of the lingo now though well keep enjoying it all and taking it all in nic im expecting a yummy indian feast when u get back babe love ya hee hee well take care both of u love u lots speak soon love lou xxxxx
15th May 2008

ez guys!! hope ur both feeling fit and well! the pic of the blue city is deep!! feelin that~!! if it wasnt for u guys doin this trip, i dont think i would have thought so much about what is actually goin on out there in the world..if u know what i mean!? its so easy to plod through life with blinkers on and not see or wana know what is out there - other cultures, religions, food, toilets lol, and stuff! fair play guys! be safe. Karl.

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