women in India

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December 3rd 2007
Published: December 12th 2007
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Beautiful life in Goa, Piekne zycie w Goa...
Life is not easy for women in India . At least those ones who we met.
Typical woman from middle or lower class gets married by arrangements.
If there is a poor family, female kid is not as welcome as a male newborn.
When a girl, I repeat a girl!! is 16 family choose a husband for her. If a family doesn't have a money to give daughter for the new marriage life then she has to work for that later. We have met a lot of women in our age or younger on the beach. All of them came from poor families so therefore we have this information from. Most of them gets married when they were about 16-17y's.When they are about 25 they already have 4-5 children.
We were courious why it is them who works on the beach selling mainly jewllery or sarongs in the heat 30 degrees or more and not theirs husbands. Some of them are already separated (they were bitten or husband was an alcoholic..) and some of them has husbands at home. Divorce is not possible for woman (I don't know why?)We were explained that if their family don't input any money into marrige

Breakfast on the beach Sniadanie na plazy
this is how they have to repay...apart of feeding family, giving a birth to 4-6 children ect.
Quite a lot of childern here are not going to school. Schools here are FOC but for books etc parents need to pay. In some families there are maybe 1 or 2 children who will go to school, the rest will or earn money sellings things or take care of younger syblings.
We spoke to a women from middle class, well educated. she had arrange marriage as well. Because she was busy studying and working for her degree her mum decided to arrange marrige for her using internet. Wow, what a mum!! She has learned how to use a computer only to surf on dating websites looking for a suitable husband for her daughter. I don't know who set up a profile, daugter or her mum and who was in charge of responding to the emails but it doesn't matter - she is married now and her family is happy. We asked (maybe stupidly) how about LOVE? So, love comes later and is the least important thing in marriage- was the answer.
And this is a nice accent to finish for today...

Zyc, nie umierac!!
am still waiting to add some pics as in hotel were we are at the moment there is no option to download the pictures.
We had a chance to talk to one friend who become from quite wealthy family. She felt in love in one hindu guy but from the different cast. There is no chance that theirs families will agree to their marriage. they love each other so much and the girl knows that soon her father will arrange for her marriage with someone who she even doesn't know. I met the guy as well. he is so sweet and nice. Where is a justice? So you can see it doesn't matter from which cast you were born in india, culture is cultre and no way you will think differently!

Kobiety w Indii nie maja latwo. Przynajmniej te, ktore spotkalysmy. Jak wiadomo w Indii istnieja kasty. Dziewczynki, ktore postanowily przyjsc na swiat w klasie biedniejszej nie sa tak oczekiwane milo jak chlopcy.
Juz w wieku lat 16-17 rodzice lub matka szykuja mezow dla nich poprzez zaaranzowane malzenstwa. Oznacza to ni mniej ni wiecej ze dziewczynki nie maja nic do gadania w tej sprawie! Jesli rodzina nie ma pieniedzy

Sunset in Goa, Zachod slonca w Goa
na posag dla corki to ta w malzenstwie musi to pozniej odpracowac.
Juz w wieku lat 26-28 maja po 5-6 dzieci, wiekszosc z tych kobiet pracuje sprzedajac rozne rzeczy na plazy czy targu. Wiekszosc z jej dzieci nigdy nie pojdzie do szkoly, moze 1 lub 2 a najstarsze opiekuje sie mlodszymi. Maz siedzi w domu i albo czeka na zone by mu obiad ugotowala ( to jest dobra opcja) albo pija czy nawet bija swoje zony. Duzo kobiet ktore spotkalysmy byla w separacji z mezami. Niestety rozwod nie jest w tym kraju mozliwy (nie dotarlam do wiadomosci dlaczego).
Rozmawialysmy rowniez z kobieta z klasy sredniej, bardzo dobrze wyedukowanej. Poniewaz byla ona zajeta studiowaniem i zdobywaniem dyplomu, jej matka rowniez wziela w swoje rece zaaranzowanie malzenstwa dla swojej corki. Specjalnie i tylko dla tego celu nauczyla sie jak obslugiwac komputer i spedzala swoj czas na serfowaniu po sieci i po stronach internetowych z randkowymi stronami by znalesc meza dla corki. Nie wiem kto byl odpowiedzialny za odpisywanie na maile he he ale fakt jest faktem ze nasza znajoma ma rowniez dobrze wyksztalconego meza. Spytalam sie jedynie jej a co z miloscia. Ona stwierdzila ze milosc przychodzi pozniej.
I tym milym akcentem
Before the next trip to MangaoBefore the next trip to MangaoBefore the next trip to Mangao

Using a local transport it is quite exciting thing.. Uzywanie lokalnego transportu moze byc excytujace...
bede konczyc moja dzisiejsza wypowiedz ;-))
Czekam na jakas kawiarenke internetowa by wkleic zdjecia bo klikam z hotelu i nie ma tu opcji downloading.
dodam jedynie ze spotkalysmy sie rowniez z kolezanka ktora pochodzi z dosc bogatej rodziny w Indiach. W indiach pracuje jako lekarz dermatolog i jest dosc niezalezna. Zakochala sie w chlopaku rowniez z Indii ale niestety z innej kasty. Nie ma mowy by ich rodziny zgodzily sie na malzenstwo. Tak wiec moja znajoma, wie ze niedlugo jej ojciec wyda ja za jakiegos goscia, ktorego on uzna za odpowiedniego dla niej. Spotkalam rowniez jej chlopaka, z ktorym obecnie spotyka sie w ukryciu. Jest on dobrze ustawionym businessmenem, wspanialym czlowiekiem i na dodatek bardzo sympatycznym. No i gdzie jest sprawiedliwosc?
Dzieki bogom (egipskim, hinduskim i innym) ze urodzilam sie w Polandzie...

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I thought only Polish can do... Myslalam ze tylko Polak potrafi...mozesz podrozowac nawet na dachu..

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