Razzle Dazzle of Jaisalmer

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March 5th 2011
Published: March 5th 2011
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Part 1 - India

The Razzle Dazzle of Jaisalmer

Known as the Golden City, Jaisalmer is very sandy! Sand being gold..ish in colour, and you've got your treasured title!

Best thing in Jaisalmer..... had to be the 'Trotters Independent Travelers' stand with the leader 'DelBoy' selling Camel trips to travelers/holidaymakers. We had the decision to do either a full robust Camel trek which would be a minimum of 2 days and 1 night, or.. for the more skeptical (Camels spit, fart and may hurt the buttocks) a romantic Sunset Safari. It being our first time, we chose the latter and good thing too as being British we brought with us the overcast clouds and a little touch of drizzle, so the Very Romantic Sunset was covered by fine Grey Cloud, a little like the weather at home! 😊
Camel Trekking to the start of the dunes was quite nice an experience, though much higher than i had first thought it would be!

Second Best thing was that we found real Pizza! A welcome break after curry 24/7.

India is Very Cool and a great experience so far.. very different from home which makes me love the UK more each day. Only 1 week left in India but the expensive booze is making us look forward to moving on to South East Asia next week.
We are taking a photo of our mascot 'Marmite Paddington' in every location around our trip (add him on facebook.. 'love paddington travels') so he is excited about the Taj in Agra in a few days!

Hope you enjoy the snaps... I'll have to upload a few specials to get Tom back for the flattering sleeping ones of me!

Additional photos below
Photos: 16, Displayed: 16


Tom's CamelTom's Camel
Tom's Camel

Desert man offered me a swap.. considered it
Golden City FortGolden City Fort
Golden City Fort

This is one of the few forts where people still reside as normal!
Getting onGetting on
Getting on

The camel started to get up before i was on which was a bit daunting

6th March 2011

Hi guys, we're glad you're having a great time the photos look beautiful! Mr Marmite Paddington will be on ratbook within the hour. The weather has been quite sunny here the last few days but still cold. We went to see The Streets on Friday for their good bye tour and got in Saturday lunch time! We both went to bed at 6pm and slept all the way through to Sunday.... usual stuff really! I still haven't got much work so I thought it would be a perfect time to buy a new van! Keep up the good work with the blogging and we hope you carry on having a great time! Love Ads and Nats x
6th March 2011

Great Pics
Hi Tom and Emily, We are following your blog with interest. Your pictures are really good (except the prat with headphones!). Looking forward to more - keep up the good work. Haven't seen Golly yet - has he been ousted by Paddy? love to you both N&S
17th March 2011
Opps.. one from Jodhpur... how did that get there?

why have you posted a picture of jason statham?
17th March 2011

Great photo's, a lot more exotic than donkey rides on Blackpool beach :D

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