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October 15th 2007
Published: October 20th 2007
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The train ride from Agra was fine, the conductor moved us around though as the guy who collects the sheets had to have a nap, and our bed/seat was outta the way and quiet, we didnt mind though.
As our flight leaves at 11pm tonight we were hoping that a hotel would let us have a room for a few hours, but they wouldnt shift from the actual room rate. Instead we left our luggage at a hotel, and were allowed use the toilet and shower if we needed. We headed into Connaught Place, last time we were here, we were hasseled by everyone. Today there were so many tourists around the place, lots more stalls set up and no one even approached us!!!!maybe we came during low season or we had the look of experience, eitherways it was good to just saunter about the place. Tried to go to the cinema but we werent allowed in cus of my day pack and they didnt have any lockers that I could keep it in. Instead we ate lots of food, collected our bags and headed to the airport.
Our next destination is Singapore. I have heard so many stories about how expensive the place is and how rude the people are that we shortened our stay there to 2nights and 3days. Hopefully it wont be that bad.


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