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Asia » India » National Capital Territory » New Delhi
October 9th 2007
Published: October 14th 2007
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Arrived in Delhi after an enjoyable train journey from Jaisalmer. The 2 men sharing with us were specialists in maintaining and preserving alot of the ancient sites in and around India and at times the world. They also told us that it was fine for us to stay within the Jaisalmer fort and that tourists were not to blame for the problems within the fort--take that lonely planet (:
They talked to me about their children, and taught me some hindi--nahee samasteeh (I dont understant) and nahee chayeeyaa (I dont want) They also bought me some chai and let me have some of their dinner. The nicest people I have met always seem to be on the bus or train, they always want to chat and share their food with you and find out about you and youre culture. I spent about an hour talking with the men about what animals we have in Ireland and what animals we dont have it was hilarious. They also tried to convince me that Albert Einstein was Irish, they refused to accept he was Austrian, lovely guys though.
From Delhi we headed staright to the airport/hotel area of highway 8 and stayed at Hotel Tarra, which was a tad hard to find but was fine for the a few hours sleep. theres lots of hotels in the area so you can always shop around for the best price if you've time.
We had to get up at 3am to catch our flight to Amritsar, whoever said travelling was easy must've spent most of their time in one place cus I'm knackered.


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