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Asia » India » National Capital Territory » New Delhi
December 15th 2006
Published: January 7th 2007
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Got into Delhi airport about 3.30am, only about an hour behind schedule. Was surprised to find Toru waiting in Arrivals, given the unsociable arrival time I said he should just send a taxi from the hotel, but he came in person after all. We spent 5 minutes or so banging on the roof and windows of the taxi trying to wake up the taxi driver- he had cocooned himself in his shawl and didn't seem to be pleased to be woken up.

Quick trip into central Delhi because of the hour, the driver seemed pretty drowsy the whole trip, or perhaps he always drives like that! Only one near miss luckily- we came within centimetres of hitting a barrier set up around a hole in the middle of the road before the driver noticed it and swerved at the last second.

In spite of the long flight jetlag stopped me from sleeping for a while- I was just dropping off when the dawn cacophony- horns, cows, vendors, horns- started up so I gave up after that.

Toru had lost a filling so we spent part of the day trying to track down a good dentist, finally making a reservation at one recommended by the Japanese embassy website, and the rest of the day we just took it easy since we join the trip tomorrow and things will no doubt get busy after that.


21st April 2007

filling lost
I had the same experience in lebanon. i went to the dentist where I just find the name board on the street by couincedence. it took for 20 min I guess. then filled up my crown. I said how much is it doctor he said this is a gift from ahra. so I said ahra akubalu. inshara! how was the indian dentist???
4th May 2007

Finally reach this page!
I could finally access this page! How amazing! You travell a lot! I will be looking forward to seeing your next travel. Ciao!
5th May 2007

Thanks for the comment! I don't know when I'll be able to take a long trip again- I have to save my money first... I want to go to Tibet next...
5th May 2007

Ahh, luckily I have never lost a filling or anything like that while travelling so far. Toru said the dentist was pretty rough. No anaesthetic and not very gentle- he looked a bit shocked when he came out of the office...

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