Madness in mumbai

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April 30th 2009
Published: April 30th 2009
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cricket on a very steamy afternoon at Oval Maidan
Let's go back....way back.... back in time.....

ok, so not that far back, but about a week til we were in mumbai.

Mumbai is quite the place (not to be mistaken for a quiet place..) with more people than the whole of australia - and they all want to look at you. It's a place full of sound, smells and colours, and there's never a quiet moment. It's a very majestic town, with amazing imposing buildings left over from the colonial days. we had tea in a tea house which really felt like we were back in british india - pretty weird.

Cricket is everywhere here. We went to the park one day to try to escape the heat (yeah right, very wishful thinking) and in fifteen minutes about 3 impromptu games srung up in front of us, so close to each other that the fielders were overlapping, and at times interchangeable. a great indian experience! and twenty20 cricket is on everywhere all the time. so much so that i (jen by the way) already know team names and colours and captains - and the thing is i don't care! i think it's close to jeff's idea of paradise though...

One good thing about mumbai was that there weren't so many tourists there - and yes, i know i'm a tourist too, but sometimes it's nice to be surrounded by the locals.

Some mumbai highlights:

- visiting the centre of the world, where the hindu god Ram threw his spear. it's a big pole in the middle of a pond. Nowadays there's not much in the way of gods, but lots of kids swimming and funny lookin geese.

- being asked to be extras in a bollywood movie. if we'd been in mumbai longer, chances are we could be famous by now!

- catching the ferry out to elephanta island, where jeff met his first ever monkeys. although we didn't see them being sneaky, i guess that just shows how incredibly sneaky they are. we saw one with someone's water bottle, and another with a pair of thongs... very suspicious!

- people trying to sell you the biggest balloons you have ever seen. i'm not sure what you're supposed to do with them once you buy them, because they're too big to carry, but i guess you just stand around being pretty
Jen at CST MumbaiJen at CST MumbaiJen at CST Mumbai

in one of the many Slumdog Millionaire locations we recognised
pleased with yourself for obtaining such a large balloon, then try to palm it off to some other hapless tourist.

- strolling along chowpatty beach at sunset with people everywhere, just hanging out enjoying the fact that it's not quite so hot anymore (don't get me wrong - it's still incredibly hot!)

- the food! ah the food!!

So all in all mumbai was great, with the greatness enhanced by the fact that we had a little air conditioned refuge to call our own where we could shut the door for about an hour a day, regroup, then hit the streets once more.

Next time:
- the fun continues in auranagabd
- is it shiva or vishnu that rides the bull?
- what is a reasonable price to pay for an autorickshaw?
- can jen possibly sweat anymore than she already has?

seeya! j and j

Additional photos below
Photos: 7, Displayed: 7


Marine Drive, MumbaiMarine Drive, Mumbai
Marine Drive, Mumbai

where courting couples are often seen, spaced evenly along the rockwall overlooking the ocean
Taj Mahal PalaceTaj Mahal Palace
Taj Mahal Palace

Massive hotel of colonial influence. This was one of the targets of the November 2008 Mumbai terrorist attack
hustle and bustlehustle and bustle
hustle and bustle

outside the Chhatrapati Shivaji Terminus - Mumbai's busiest train station. 2.5 million people pass through daily!

1st May 2009

big birds
big ballons snare big feathered beast which ground planes in ram's big pond (i suppose the water was a bit murky so you didn't see the tail fins just under the surface...) HAPPY FRIDAY! great to hear from you both. more please. aurangabad? sounds like the centre of spider universe. spooky... XLXL

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