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October 17th 2006
Published: October 24th 2006
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Liquid LoungeLiquid LoungeLiquid Lounge

Smiles all round, an air conditioned drink at last!
We finally arrived in India after finding out on Monday night that our flight had been cancelled. Coundn't get through to BMI so just turned up at the JET desk in the morning and got on their flight. Phew!

Once we got over the initial wave of heat (85 degrees at 11 pm) as we stepped off the plane and through the throng of beggers in the car park we were whisked off in a waiting taxi. Everyone in Mumbai drives with their hand on the horn and obey no road rules that we could fathom. Don't know why they bothered installing traffic lights. It was quite hair-raising and we weren't sure that we would actually make it to the hotel!

Our hotel had an old fashioned gated lift and an interesting mural on the wall. Someone had set the A/C to arctic and we spent our first night in India with jumpers on!

On Wednesday we spent quite a while wandering around the local area with a piddly wee map looking for the Tourist Office next to Churchgate station to discover it was the other end of the block from our hotel. Still, it was good to see some sights. Booked our seats to Goa then celebrated with brunch for a pound (for 2)!

Went for a walk along to Chowpatty beach in the evening which turned out to be a lot further than we thought, and enjoyed a small refreshment in a nearby cafe. Then we found the air conditioned Liquid Lounge with an extensive cocktail menu so didn't actually make it onto the beach! It was dark by this time anyway!

After walking back we deserved a wee nightcap in a Jazz bar with a live band singing 80's and 90's rock classics. Can't beat it.


15th November 2006

throng of beggers
hahah so true, they stick on you like flies

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