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January 18th 2008
Published: January 18th 2008
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This is our third atempt at writing this entry - each time we have interne connecion rouble and everything gets lost! Also he t keeps dropping out on the keyboard so this blog may take some deciphering.
After a glorious time on he beaches of Maharashtra we headed back to he stinking polluted city on another overnight train journey. Arrived at the wretched Victoria Terminus brigh and early and walked to our hotel nearby in he half dark. I cannot emphasise how vile the train terminus is. On the outside it is an incredible and beautiful display of gothic cathedral-like architecture, especially stunning at night with the lights twinkling. However on entering you are faced with ear splitting noisiness, choking and stinking air pollution (worse than the rest of the city) and crowds of people waiting, sleeping or moving like gian snakes to and from the various platforms. There are about 18 altogether. Fortunately, traveling in A/C classes it is not so crowded and there is little scrabbling to get on and find your berths. Once on and your bags chained up safely below your bunk everything is very safe and cosy.
After a lovely breakfast at he hotel of chickpea curry(!) we headed off in a sleep-deprived daze to see some of the sights we’d missed last week. Vasu, our guide, drove us about in air-conditioned luxury (provided we didn’t tell his boss that he’d put the a/c on) and we visited Jain and Mahalaxmi temples, hanging gardens, dhobi ghats (huge outdoor laundry where he untouchable class do everyone else’s washing) driveby’s of tower and silence where parsi people leave heir dead for the vultures. All of these tourist sights featured he obligatory beggars and postcard sellers.
Also staying in a slightly more seedy area (near the railway) highlights of Mumbai this time were being constantly leered at and unwanted touching. Nice… Another exciting event - James discovering a beautiful miniature apple like fruit in his morning dahl to find he was actually chowing down on a whole red chilli full of frighteningly hot fluid and watching him react in a cartoonesque fashion - bright red face, steam from the ears….tears of chilli!
Next stop, Jalgaon…

Photos we were unable to take:
1.Waiting at the train station at Kudal for our rain to Mumbai in he designated area relaxed with plenty of time.
2. Running for the train discovering our carriage is actually located 200 metres down the platform with 2 minutes time to board.


22nd January 2008

viva las mumbai
Dear Jim, Wendy and Casey, Hello you guys. I very much enjoyed your phoos of the souhern beaches. Looks a bi like Noosa bu with los of large fishing boas. We have snakes over here oo. If I were Mumbai, I would use a hose. It sounds absolutely fascinating. Casey, how are you finding the hustle and bustle of the city? Hannah is enjoying your photos. She got into her course in Melbourne! We are very pleased with her. Some photos of the food please. Take care, regardez mooser PS. are you in the countryside now?

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