Different faces of Mumbai...

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November 18th 2007
Published: November 18th 2007
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Mumbai wyglada jak restki tego co bylo kiedys wspaniala cywilizacja.
Teraz jest brudne i przeludnione. Na ulicach widac tysiace zebrakow, widzialysmy ludzi mieszkajacych w domkach z blachy falistej, czy w rurach....Miasto okryte jest mgla, co w rzeczywistosci jest smogiem. Jest tu trudno oddychac, jako ze powietrze bardzo gorace i zageszczone.
Co jest jednak zadziwiajace to ludzie. Cieplo i serdecznosc przebija z ich twarzy i nie widac smutku ani szczypty agresji. Tak jakby nie wiedzieli ze mozna zyc inaczej.
Dostep do morza niemozliwy, woda jest bardzo brudna, mysle ze duzo ludzi korzysta z tej wody podczas porannej toalety :-o
Jak to jest jednak mozliwe ze to wlasnie stad wywodza sie wspaniale umysly, ktore maja wklad w rozwoj cywilizacji ludzkiej?
WHO RULES MUMBAI? Kto rzadzi Mombajem? A kto rzadzi rzadzacymi? AND who rules the rules?
It is not for me to judge....Nie nam oceniac..
Zdjecia wkrotce...

Mumbai looks like the pieces of the great civilisation...
It is very dirty and overpopulated. There are thousands of beggers on the streets. We have seen people living in the hats from alluminium pieces, or hudge pipes...
There is a fogg surrounding city but it is a smog rather than anything else.
There is very difficult to breathe, the air is hot and heavy.
But what is very suprising, you can't see the saddnes on people faces. Everyone seems to be friendly and happy. As they wouldn't know it can be different.
Access to the see is impossible. The water is dirty as most of these people use it during morning grooming :-o
How is that possible that this is the place from which we have lots of greatests brains which have imput into humans evolution.
Who rules Mumbai then? And who rules the rules?
It is not for me to judge....
Pics soon..


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