HOLY COW! A talking cow!

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July 30th 2008
Published: July 30th 2008
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It's raining, raining!It's raining, raining!It's raining, raining!

This sums up the weather during my time in India
I've decided to take a whole new approach to this blogging thing. Keep it short keep it sweet... errr.

So today's highlights (apart from a very tranquil houseboat and canoe trip along the Keralan backwaters) was meeting a very holy cow, and a very philosophical one at that.

So far on the trip I've seen many sacred cows roaming free mainly eating leftovers given to them by shopkeepers, who respect the cows as being sacred and to be looked after. Not so in the Keralan backwaters where they are tied up awaiting slaughter for some kind of festival that is coming up... oh dear!

So on our trip today we ended up in a field looking at these cows in dismay as an old guy from our canoe tottered up a rickety ladder to the top of a coconut palm to drag down some cocos for us to sip the coco-water from. This one rather attractive looking cow who kept staring and waggling her ears at me, and was looking a little sad about the fact she was tied up I thought, well she turned to me and said rather loudly and clearly:


"Did anyone
Lets go coco!Lets go coco!Lets go coco!

Drinkin another salty coconut drink
else hear that?" I asked my fellow pod of backpackers, ever-so slightly concerned I might be hearing things (and I'd like to point out at this stage that I don't take drugs!)

Maria, a pale young American fresh out of high-school and slightly shell-shocked from an intense voluntary teaching position in rural Bangalore, turned to me and said "Yes I think it said why"

"WHY?" came the more-persistant bellow from the cows guts.

A very good question I pondered. Why am I here? Why is anyone here? Why are these pretty cows tied up whilst the mangey ones are roaming the streets free? Why indeed.

I'd like to say I rescued the cow, but I didn't. I took the coconut drink I didn't really want, drank the salty liquid inside and took one more look at the dismayed cow, who blinked and waggled her ears as if to say "Noboday knows the answer" and I hopped back into the canoe.

Additional photos below
Photos: 4, Displayed: 4


8th August 2008

Love to you all in the Hague, so jealous of you guys and your van, and the bicycles and beaches, and the fun you must all be having with the hostess with the mostess. Eeeeeeeeeeek wish I could be there - next time oh! xxx
13th September 2008

Sammikins! what is the link to your blog again I've forgotten? you guys are certainly having enough amazing adventures to blog about xx

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