In and Around Trivandrum!

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November 19th 2005
Published: November 19th 2005
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Sri Lankan Airlines office
My flight situation is still up in the air - with the travel agents at Sri Lankan Airways telling me everyday to 'come back tomorrow' this the hypothetical tomorrow which never comes? i believe it may be. and so I have taken it upon myself to get excited about making my way back up to Mumbai. The more I think about it, the more things I have yet to see in India - and so why hurry to Sri Lanka?!? Tomorrow I've decided to take a day trip to Varkala - a trip that I already tried yesterday, but the bus never showed up :o ! So tomorrow is attempt number 2, and I'm sure I'll succeed - I'll just make sure I get an earlier start!
I've moved hotels to a cheaper budget hotel called Pravin Guest House - and while being nothing special - it has private bathrooms and a good price (145 for a single room!). I think I'll keep the room and continue taking day trips until I finally get an answer from the airlines! Today I went on an afternoon KTDC bus tour to Veli Tourist Park - which is a large park by the

my room
side of the Arabian Sea -, a beach just outside Trivandrum called Shangumugham Beach, and Kovalam Beach - which is a well-known beach south of Trivandrum.
The tour was a nice way to spend an afternoon - made even better by meeting a lovely woman from just outside London who had just arrived in India. We talked about the places I had been, and she told me her plan of staying in Kerala for the one month duration of her stay. Kovalam Beach surprised me - I expected a mediocre beach with mostly Indian families on holiday, but it was a full blown tourist hub, with both Indians and foreigners enjoying the beauty of the beach! There were lots of stores (similar to Goa) and we had a fantastic dinner (the best Biryani -shrimp!- I've had in India!) by the seaside!
I better go - because today is my mother's birthday - Hyvaa Syntymapaivaa Aiti! - and I have to find a place with an international phone line so that I can sing to her!!

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School Trip

neighboring tourist house

beauty at the zoo

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