Wayanad Wildlife Sanctuary

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June 9th 2007
Published: June 9th 2007
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We get the weekends off from the course, so we decided to take a trip to the beautiful and lush Wildlife Sanctuary.......

After about 4 hours of driving up windy roads through mountains, we arrived at our hotel and we all thought "ooooooh fancy & posh & nice"....... and we went to check-in only to find that we all needed passports and of course I hadn't brought mine ......

Minor catastrophe!!

With all hotels requiring a passport from foreigners to check-in, we thought we wouldn't be able to stay anywhere and would have to drive back.....but luckily we found some dodgy hotel......and we all crammed in there!! I was feeling really guilty as this hotel had NOTHING on the original one.....so I learnt the hard way to ALWAYS carry my passport on me at all times!!

Moving on from the Hotel mini-drama, we decided to take a jeep safari into the wildlife park... and were crossing our fingers that tigers, leopards, lions etc would all come dancing around the jeep......

That didn't quite happen, although we did manage to see some elephants, monkeys, spotted deer (that looked just like Bambi!) and even a snake (that was a tad too close for comfort considering we almost stepped on it while walking!!).

The next day we drove through the amazingly lush and beautiful tea & coffee plantations. I'd never seen plantations like these before.....they were in intricate patterns strongly resembling the cerebrum of the brain and were so lovely and green. Needless to say, we stopped for many teas along the way!!

We went walking up to the 'Edakkal Rock Caves', dating back to 4000 B.C. The scenery was just magic - so lush and full of waterfalls and so many types of vegetation!

Overall, it was a really good weekend get-away which enabled me to see a lovely green and peaceful side of India!

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