Cauvery Fishing Camp!

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February 7th 2005
Published: February 7th 2005
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The Cauvery Fishing Camp, overlooking the River Cauvery consists of just eight luxurious ethnic log-huts on stilts, blending beautifully with the jungle behind. On the riverbank are also nine well-furnished tented cottages (twin-bedded with attached bathrooms) for those who prefer a more closer-to-nature experience

The fishing camp in only about a 2 hour drive from Bangalore, most of which is through an interesting landscape that reminded Paul of his time serving in the African continent. Also, very interesting are the Rock formations that look very inviting - Hopefully, next time I will get to combine a fishing holiday with an active rock climbing trip.

We reached the camp in the evening. Soon after checking into our hut - we headed out into the river accompanied by an experienced coracle boatsman. Taking in the view of the Sun setting over the water was the most relaxed I have been in ages. Sitting there on a rotating coracle and enjoying our beer- on a Friday evening just made us feel so alive and grateful for the little pleasures that we take for granted so often.

Things only got better from there - Mr. Bacardi and Coke hosted a party with Fresh BBQ under star studded skies. Next Morning - we got a chance to try our hand at fishing with bamboo sticks and swimming in crocodile infested waters!!

We packed up around noon and headed for our next stop The Bandipur National Forest!!

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Paul, Boatsman and the Fish!!

12th April 2005

The pic looks beautiful-the one of the cauvery river.Keep writing..I will watch out for your blogs.cheers! - rain

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