A day trip to the Golden Temple

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October 26th 2010
Published: October 26th 2010
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Despite thoroughly enjoying spending 5 hrs on a very small, unbalanced, vibrating moped with no suspension we decided that today would be the appropriate time to get a bus to our destination…..Bylakuppe. This was one of the first refugee camps set up in South India to house thousands of Tibetans fleeing from the 1959 Chinese invasion. It is home to the Namdroling monastery and the Golden temple.
This place emanates peace. Everything feels as if it is working harmoniously together and the warmth of the local people is extraordinary. We all felt very emotional today, energies were rapidly being exchanged within our group, not always for the best. My personal journey this day was extremely powerful. Sitting in the golden temple, meditating when the monks sang their prayers and hit chimes and gongs, I could literally feel every part of my body tingle and my heart ache. I cried and thoughts that I had not allowed to surface for a long time erupted. But the amazing thing was, I felt ready to let much go. To say goodbye to what was coming up and there was a very intense sense of passing time, thoughts not really materialising but just passing, me actually being in control of what I do and don’t allow to hurt me and cause me pain, so much just exists in my thoughts and my reality, no one elses!
Anyway….. I thought this place was spectacular. The food was perfect and we took a long stroll up the road through the local farms and villages, past a nunnery and watched a beautiful sky at sun set. Things happened that seemed to be in tune with the harmonious workings of this place, Jasons wallet turning up at precisely the point he lost it, the bus pulling up next to us when we needed to get it home and so on. I will go back to this magical place.

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