Journeys in Himachal Pradesh - Part 3: Renuka Lake

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December 3rd 2014
Published: December 5th 2014
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Renuka Lake, like many places in Himachal Pradesh, is revered by Hindus as a key site from the old sacred texts. In this case the lake is is regarded as the manifestation of Renuka, the mother of the sixth incarnation of Shiva.

It is in steep sided valley surrounded by low hills. As we had driven in the previous day up the valley large mud slides were apparent in several places along the road. The lake itself is 3.5 km in circumference and is fed by natural springs on its floor. Because of its holiness no fishing is allowed.

We stayed at the Renuka Tourist Lodge run by the State. It was almost empty so we could get a good discount. The peak times for pilgrims are March and November when it is packed. It was nice to have a flush toilet again.

We only had a short time at the lake and I was persuaded (was I mad?) to go for a run around the lake before breakfast; Jane electing for walking boots and me sandals. The morning light shone through the trees as we side stepped the monkeys. We finished at the main Shiva temple, a typical garish affair. Morning prayers were yet to get underway and the ground was still being swept.

We could not stay long. We had buses to catch to Nahan, Dehradun and the following day on to Rishikesh in Uttarkhand. Our unforgettable journeys in Himachal Predesh were complete for now.

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