I'm not a happy bunny!

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September 19th 2006
Published: September 19th 2006
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Dear all

I am reeeeally veeeeery frustrated and annoyed right now and am refraining from using any bright colourful language!

You will have just been notified of my mumbai blog update and may have noticed that there is a distinct lack of photos... $&*%!!!

For whatever reason my camera's memory card has just gone blank and I have a feeling that I have lost all the photos taken in Mumbai and Goa... $&*%!!! I am gutted - there were some awesome photos, particularly where I applied "the rule of thirds"... $&*% $&*% $&*%!!!

Anyhow, I promise to keep snapping and hopefully will have some fab photos for you soon.

Ciao 4 now tutti,

Sad Seamus 😞


20th September 2006

I hope you ain't going to Tailand!
Flippin' eck, they got a coup going on and the military are taking over!!
23rd September 2006

tanks n all!!
i know dude... been following the news and it all seems pretty quiet at the mo. hope nothing crazy develops!! hope yous well!

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