Hindi Movie Night

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January 19th 2007
Published: January 19th 2007
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Went to the IMAX complex to watch a Hindi movie last night. It was great--we arrived at the mall an hour early, wandered around and ate dinner. We watched "Guru," starring Aishwarya Rai and Abhishek Bachchan. It had been received well by critics, and lived up to my expectations. The music was great--done by A. R. Rahman. No subtitles, but all of our Hindi peer tutors came along and translated some of the crucial moments, so I had a general idea of what was going on. My Hindi skills are at the point where it's just frustrating for me to watch a Hindi movie, because I can catch so many various pronouns and verbs, but still have no idea what's being said.
Early in the movie, Rai and Bachchan get married, and apparently, at the movie's premier in New York, Bachchan actually proposed to Rai in real life, and she agreed. How Bollywood.
Overall, lots of fun, and I bought the soundtrack. I hope it comes out on DVD soon so that we can all watch it with subtitles and get the full effect.
Speaking of topics concerning the Hindi language, I have not started Hindi class yet, but I have started tutoring sessions with my peer tutor, Rekha. She's finishing up her Ph.D. in Hindi Linguistics here at the university. I've had two sessions, and it's going well so far. It's nice to get back to learning Hindi again. I think it'll be pretty helpful overall.
Hopefully my other two classes will be scheduled by next week. We're meeting with some professors today to arrange a schedule.
I have pictures from last night, and some of the campus, but wireless isn't working right now, so I can't upload them from my laptop. So, we will have to wait until it's back up. At least the regular internet is working so you can all enjoy these terribly interesting posts of mine. 😊


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