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Asia » Hong Kong
May 26th 2005
Published: June 9th 2005
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Headed out to Macau on 2nd May, the point was to take advantage of the cheap flight on AirAsia to Macau and then take the ferry across to H.K. First sight of Macau from the air was cool, the plane circled around the city giving us a great view of casinos, the tower and the double humped bridge. Macau international airport seemed deserted.

Caught a taxi to the ferry terminal (50HK$) and had no trouble getting a ticket to HK (Kawloon) for 150HK$ each. Ferries depart every 15 min. We caught the ‘First Ferry’ line which was ok. Went through immigration and down to the boat. We were asked to store our bags in the luggage area (in this case in the front) and got to our seats. Noticed that the ticketers would give couples and groups window seats, that’s nice.

The ride was pretty smooth most of the way, but waves from passing boats caused enough waves to make Brens feel a bit queasy.
It never felt like we were far from land with so many boats en route and the persistant drone from the engines made us sleepy. The Macau and Hong Kong tourist board videos shown were interesting but ended about half way through the ride.

First sight of Hong Kong reminded me of Penang, looked just like any other island group in the SEA area. Gentle waves breaking on large granite boulders, and fishing huts here and there with makeshift piers. Gradually, the grandeur of H.K. made itself felt. The number of boats and ships increased dramatically and occasional buildings suddenly gave way to towering blocks and high rises, suddenly you were in Hong Kong and there was no mistake about it.

By now Brens was awake and excited, this was my 4th trip to H.K. but the first time by sea, I’d read about it before and it was everything I’d imagined, the sea choppy and tossing with boats of all sorts from huge container vessels to little sampans. Buildings rising impossibly high from the smallest space imaginable, a couple with a hole in the middle for proper feng shui so that the energy that flows through H.K. is not interrupted.

We disembarked at a pier that looked a bit like a cheap H.K. movie set and made our way to immigration, again no problems and found ourselves in a department
The ferry...The ferry...The ferry...

... well something like this, ours (First Ferry) wasn't as nice.
store! Our shopping instincts automatically took over and we found ourselves looking at digital watches and cell phones! Welcome to Hong Kong!

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Are we there yet?Are we there yet?
Are we there yet?

Brens not feeling too good.

22nd June 2005

Oh, How kucky you are!!!!
Harrow! Grad U have good time at Hong Kong. Next time u bring Grimesy he like it lery mulch, mulch . U be lucky together and no too mulch hanky panky. P.S. Solorry about lack of sign at Comfort House. I buy now. neck time you no have problem.
22nd June 2005

How lucky you is !!!!
Harrow, you buggers oh solorry you bloggers! Hey why u go Hong Kong and no tell me? I lery sad now. Next time u tell Grimesy he like it too. but he no like lost. At comfort house me buy sign already .you no problem next time. I shoot guard already he idiot. I leary happy u like my hotel but next time you come .U bling back towels from bathroom you thieving blooggers. I go now. I bust I go teach Engllich. I see u soon . No hanky panky.

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