10000 Buddha's and final thoughts...

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January 6th 2008
Published: January 7th 2008
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So, we finally slept in, and had a good lazy time waking up before we had to check out. Some how, one of us, no names need be slung, put the clock up an hour, which made for a nice freak out trying to get packed for check out. When we finally figured out what had happend, we had an extra hour for exploring, so all is well in the end. We stashed the bags and headed on the metro for a monastary that held 10000 buddhas. When we got off the metro, very easy to find, many signs pointing the way. There are 400 steps to the top, neither one of us bothered to count and verify, it was steep enough. As you moved up the stairs, they were lined with gold plated Buddha statues, very cool to see. When we got to the top, there were a few shrines and many statues that took up quite a bit of space on a small area of hill top. And in one of the shrines, the 10000 Buddhas, or close to it. It was all topped off with one about 40 feet high, not quite as big as the one on the mountain from the day before, but impressive just the same. When we left, we walked back to the metro and mall-ratted for an hour to kill some time before heading back to the hotel for our bags and airport transfer. While walking around, we found a whitespot in the food court...guess the folks in Richmond have a little influence over here, I'm just happy I got a good chocolate shake over here. After that, it was off to the airport and on a plane for New Zealand. Hong Kong was wicked, we kept finding more things to see and do as the days went on. Will like to return for a few days more next time.


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