Just Gorges

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Asia » China
September 27th 2006
Published: October 6th 2006
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Avast there mateys! Four days opportunity to talk like a pirate as we start a four day Yangtze cruise. We visit the Three Gorges dam, which is slowly flooding the valleys upstream. On our trip we pass many villages that will soon be submerged. Millions of people have been ordered to pack up, and move to new towns built higher up the valley.
The Three Gorges themselves are breathtaking, but will be less impressive in a couple of years when the flooding has made them smaller. We take a pea-pod boat down a smaller river and see 'hanging coffins', which have been placed in crevices in cliff faces hundreds of years ago.
We are on a tourist boat, joined by Saga-aged tour groups from the UK. Highlight of the evening cabaret was Captain 'I didn't spend four years in frikin' navy school to sing to tourists' Wei's rendition of the Rod Stewart classic 'I am sailing.'
We alight in Chongqing where we head for Pizza Hut. After four days of (albeit lovely) Chinese food, only stuffed crust will do.

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