China trip - 4days 3 nights.

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August 11th 2001
Published: August 11th 2001
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This trip isn’t very detailed cause I don’t remember much of it, just the basics will have to do!

Left on the 11th of August to go to my Aunt’s new house in China. A new place she bought and wanted to take me to see, the place was called, Clifford estates in Panyu (pronounced as Poon-yu). Got there by a coach that picked us up from Shatin (Hong Kong) and we had to go past the immigration areas like when we go to Shenzhen. After that, I pretty much fell asleep on the couch and after about 1 hour, we were there.
After checking out the house etc, we got the paddling pool out in the garden and mucked around there. The estate was very big, the entrance had the club house and a hotel etc. and so to get to my aunt’s house we had to take a shuttle bus within the estate. Later on in the day, my aunt and uncle decided to show me around, we went to a market where I bought very cheap stuff for me and my mum. At about 8pm, (after a nap) I showered and then we went out for dinner at the food court. Got back from the dinner and my cousin and I decided to go into the pool again, some friends came over and soon it was late, went back to sleep again. Even though I was only going to be a few days away from my family, I missed my mum and my doggies!
The next day, went into town via 2 buses and went to this huge supermarket that sold everything. Bought lots of shoes, hair clips and sunglasses. As soon as I got back to my aunt’s, jumped into the Jacuzzi and the sauna feeling knackered.
13th, went to Guangzhou and bought even more stuff. We shopped along the streets and bumped into their friend (from Hong Kong) which was really weird…and shopped in this massive shopping mall which we didn’t get to finish cause it was so enormous so for dinner we ate at a Steak house. (This was, before I was a vegetarian!). The food was absolutely fabulous and the dinner was very enjoyable, we had lots of fun and laughter and as I laughed so much I popped the button on my pants so I had to run to get some new pants! I had a fun day but I was also looking forward to going home. So far, I had spent $559.
14th, have been very tired so just lazed about, we were supposed to go swimming at the club house but instead we ended up in the pool in the garden! My uncle decided to take us to the man made lake which was huge, took lots of photos and mucked around with my cousin. We stopped by at the market before we left (buying more stuff!) and didn’t get back to Hong Kong till about 9ish that night.


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