Stopover in Hong Kong

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October 18th 2005
Published: October 19th 2005
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Hi Everyone!

I've completed half my trip down to New Zealand. After about 18 hours on a cramped flight to Hong Kong, I'm glad to say I'm here and able to rest for another 4 hours. I've been reseting all my watches to the time here which is, I think 9 hours head of time there in Canada. I was little disappointed to find out that I couldn't get off the plane in Alaska to get the coveted Cinnabon. Oh well, at least it wasn't snowing up there, but they did have to de-ice the plane before take-off.

I was able to sit with a really nice asian lady from Toronto on the plane ride down here. She was travelling with a group of her girlfriends and invited me to do some shopping out of the airport since one of the group was born in Hong Kong. I thanked her for her offer, but I'm not one to tempt fate and possibly miss my flight. I watched a couple movies since we all had our own screens in the back of the seat in front of us. I watched War of the Worlds, Fanastic 4, Dark Water and some Asian movie with sub titles, plus some Scrubs and Little Britain. These screens also show you where the plane is on a world map, what the altitude is and eta to arrival. But boy, these planes were not made for people that are my height, my legs were dangling half the time in the walkway. I managed to get a couple hours of sleep here and there, but overall I'm feeling pretty good and have no really inclination to sleep because it's am here, but yet pm there.
The food was pretty good, had 3 meals and snacks in between (smoked salmon and terrigon chicken to name a few) They ran out of water about 3 hours out of Hong Kong so some people couldn't get coffee or tea. I thought we might have a riot on the plane.

Right now I'm in a really nice travel lounge here in the airport. I pretty much got here, called Mom and Dad to let them know I was alright, and hopped in the shower here. Just a small little closet with a shower, but boy it felt soooooo good. People kept knocking on the door, like I was going to rush a long awaited shower, heck no! I then had some "breakfast". Not like it's anything surprising but I had Lo Mein noodles for breakfast here *big grin* I'll post pictures as soon as I can, but it's not possible here at the momment. I met a nice man from Taiwan who spoke great English, his name was Jack. Nice guy we talked about Canada and Taiwan since he'd been to Ottawa on previous business selling oceanographic equipment. He seemed to understand why I was fleeing the coming winter.

This airport is pretty interesting, not big like I thought it would be (and nobody with masks on!), and it's pretty much on the water, and then surrounded by mountains. I haven't even started reading any of my books yet, so I may just start after I finish this posting. It's very hot here and very hazy, so I'm glad I'm not going outside or I would need another shower.

I'm off to relax until my 3pm flight....


19th October 2005

Reply from your fans
Following your trip with great interest. So far so good. We will keep in touch via blog or E-mail.
19th October 2005

I'm glad to see you're alive, dunno if you tried to call or not, but I'll be expecting a posting at least once a week! love you and miss u Jo

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