Travel and Touring China

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Asia » China
February 5th 2007
Published: February 5th 2007
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Finally, I have joined a travel blog. Having lived in Asia, people have asked me about life in Philippines, Singapore, China and Hong Kong in general, and I must say that its been a ride. Although traveling, living and touring Asia has been one fo the greatest challenges I've had to take, but it was worth the effort.
I can now speak 4 asian languages and now that I live in China, Im brushing up in my Manadarin. Ive been to a lot of places and I plan to visit the great rooftops of Tibet this year.

I'll be frank with you; there is so much to see in China, from natural landscape to natural wonders, man made wonders, and talk about amazing experiences. China can be one of the most scariest countries to visit, but I tell you, its one of the most beautiful.
Check out this website: Tour and Travels in China

I can't wait till next week when the Spring Festival commences, I'm taking 2 weeks off work and guess where I will be traveling to?
YUNNAN!!! Ive heard so much about Yunan and according to what people say, Beijing and Shanghai are just a historical and developed representation of China, Yunnan is where you see the local minorities and experience China in the real form. What more if I will be spending my Spring festival with the natives.. something great to look forward, Don't worry, I'll be back with lots of pictures when I return from my trip.


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