China.. Hmmm

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Asia » China
September 18th 2015
Published: November 10th 2017
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Geo: 39.48, 75.97

Well we survived the dreaded border crossing from Kyrgastan to China commonly referred to as the Tourgart Pass. Altitude is the least of ones issues when it comes to Chinese bureaucracies. We are now officially on a tour, read we have a guide whom is not a guide at all but a minder to escort us self drive types through China. Just incase we were to deviate from the permitted route and see something we were not supposed to see. What can we say. We got through the border in pretty good time considering about four hours in total. This was surprisingly fast due to the fact that there were a number of foreigners travelling self drive going through at the same time. This put the pressure on the officials and we did not have to pull our entire car contents out for inspection. Don't laugh we had heard of plenty others who had suffered this fate.
So this part of China is a real China rip off really. The people are of Turkish decent, they speak a dialect of Persian not Chinese, the signs are in both Chinese and Persian script and we are struggling to get even the most basic Chinese food... rice. To be honest we are struggling to get any decent food that does not involve meat. The people are Muslims and we are surrounded by Mosques and feel like we are back in Iran with the head scarfs being the preferred dress code.

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No need for helmet or stirrups that adjustNo need for helmet or stirrups that adjust
No need for helmet or stirrups that adjust

The saddle was metal, girth was a piece of webbing tied around the saddle and belly.

18th September 2015

I bet this made you feel welcome!
18th September 2015

Your yurt looks comfortable
22nd September 2015

Looks like it is getting pretty cold.
25th September 2015

Fur time! (that's what I'd miss)

Tot: 0.187s; Tpl: 0.01s; cc: 6; qc: 45; dbt: 0.0471s; 1; m:domysql w:travelblog (; sld: 1; ; mem: 1.1mb