Zhongdian, China (Shangri-La)

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Asia » China » Yunnan » Zhongdian
June 18th 2009
Published: July 1st 2009
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Zhongdian is a small town high in the mountains just outside of Tibet. The population, architecture, food, etc. are Tibetan. In 2001 the Chinese authorities officially changed the name to Shangri-La (or as the Chinese say "Shangri-Li-La") to capitalize on their claim that Zhongdian is the basis for the fictional city in James Hilton's novel Lost Horizon. This is purely a marketing strategy to make it the next stop in the popular Dali, Lijiang, Tiger Leaping Gorge trail. Knowing this going in made the town an interesting study on how the Chinese economic mega-machine approaches tourism.

Having said that, it was actually a nice place to spend a few days. The "old" town, which is partially authentic and partially expansion, was as close to Lhasa (Tibet) as I was going to get this trip. I took an old school motorcycle through the mountains and highland fields around Zhongdian. They have these great yellow wild flowers that grow all over the place and the Tibetan villagers wear amazingly colorful clothes that mix with the flowers while they work the fields. The high altitude made for a nice cold ride.

Every night a hundred or so people gather in the old town's main square, form a circle and dance to music being pumped out of bad speakers from one of the shops. Its not organized, just a random gathering of all ages and types with a few westerners mixed in to screw with the syncronicity.

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1st July 2009

WOW, cannot wait to see pictures of you and Adriano, how neat you two have to meet each other. So kind of him to make quick plans to hook up with you, know you had a blast talking about all the places you have been in the last year with him and in different languages you both speak. Travel Safe Ryan, Love You, Brenda
1st July 2009

Hi Ryan - This is Judy - Brenda's Pampa Girl friend. This is AMAZING!!! Of all of the places in the world, Tibet is one place I would like to visit. I cannot wait to get to see you again and hear about your adventure. The pictures are incredible....the area looks to be very clean and really not crowded at all. I hope you are doing well and safe travels home.
1st July 2009

GREAT pictures!
Ryan, I'm one of the Pink Ladies Brenda travels with. We need to come to Tibet! Your pictures are marvelous. This experience must be life changing for you. I looking forward to hearing more. I'm adding Tibet to my list of places to travel; thank you!
2nd July 2009

Hi Ryan, What an adventure! we can't wait to see your next stop in this once in life time experience! Safe travels, The Riding's
2nd July 2009

Hi Ryan, What an adventure! we can't wait to see your next stop in this once in life time experience! Safe travels, The Riding's

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