Feb.21/08 Haba to Annan,Yunnan China

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Asia » China » Yunnan » Tiger Leaping Gorge
February 29th 2008
Published: February 29th 2008
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Tough climbing but look at the view...
63 km 10.6km/hr 5:57:20

Lots of climbing again today reaching altitudes over 3000m but rewarded with some fun downhills and incredible views of pine forests and snow-capped peaks! We got a late start again today as brekkie took a long time. We got as far as a town called Annan and realized that we should consider finding a camping spot so we bought a little food and cont'd a couple of km of steep uphill out of town until we found a decent spot. By the time we finished setting up camp it was almost dark so we cooked up some REALLY spicy ramen and had some hot chocolate and chips before tucking in.

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With the owner of the lodge in Haba.....

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