Potala Palace and Norbulingka

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October 27th 2005
Published: October 31st 2005
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Today was the day for visiting the Potala Palace (winter residence for the Dalai Lama) and also his summer residence the Norbulingka all just East of central Lahsa. The Potala Palace, although very impressive was stacked out with tourists (Chinese were particularly pushy) and no photos were allowed in side but I did take a few door shots! When we got to the Norbulingka it was set in woods/parkland so a very nice chilled afternoon, as with most of the world it's Autumn here so the trees are shedding their leaves and it was great to walk around away from the hustle and bustle of town and beggars/pilgrims.

Early evening (which became our ritual) a group of us all went to a cafe overlooking Bakhor and people watched! That evening we went to a very funky morrocan themed restaurant (show's you how cosmopolitan Lahsa is). For supper that evening, we went to a night of tibetan folk dancing and music, although it was jolly, the funniest part of the evening was when the 'Comedy yak' (who incedently was amazing and better than any panto horse) decided to come and molest me (and by mistake knock me on the head). Anyway suffice to day one beer at altitude and your very giggly!

Additional photos below
Photos: 13, Displayed: 13


Walking around the parkWalking around the park
Walking around the park

J, Luke, Pedro and Craig
The Dalai Lama's LakeThe Dalai Lama's Lake
The Dalai Lama's Lake

It was very green...
The two ladiesThe two ladies
The two ladies

performing folk songs with long sleeves!

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