long ride

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Asia » China » Tibet » Lhasa
July 15th 2005
Published: July 16th 2005
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concrete boxesconcrete boxesconcrete boxes

Development outside Lhasa, this is one of the first sights entering from the north.
As of a few hours ago, I am in Lhasa, the infamous T city, now infamous for tourist buses and treks and the real experience.

Coming into the city, a host of concrete boxes, C style. Ah, development, all the good things that come with progress.

To get to the official T, one must buy a permit, then fly or bus in. I bussed in. But forgot the permit, sort of. It is a hefty Y1500 or so, which works out to around US$200, and i am fairly certain none of that money goes to the T tourist board. Or rather, maybe it does, but that board is not run by Ts, nor, i don't believe, does the money benefit Ts.

So, there are other ways, involving paying off the bus driver and the police at the check. At that checkpoint, i covered my fair hair and donned shades and tried to look as non- non-asian as possible. Either the payment worked or the police were lazy, but i got past.

The ride itself is nice enough, passing through desert-like terrain of cracked earth and shrubs, then more lush grasslands, past some military camps hosting hoardes of

The ugly which is 'improving' Ts lives
trucks and tents and a couple of guns (in sight), through a few mountain passes, and on and on and on through the land. Much of it, unfortunately, was during the night, so i missed the reportedly incredible views of the Tangula pass. That pass is well over 5000m, and many people suffer from the altitude. Luckily, i didn't, only being pestered by a minor sore throat.

My bunkmates--- it was the back of the sleeper-bus for the smuggled--- were 3 C men and one Korean i had met in a hotel. The men turned out to be quite considerate, after a gruff start. Maybe the card game loosened them up, but they grew very protective of both myself and my suffering korean friend.

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military en routemilitary en route
military en route

not quite in the official TAR, but still in T areas, lines of military jeeps, tents, equipment welcome the inquiring eye.
the new train linethe new train line
the new train line

the much debated golmud to lhasa train line. Almost complete, it is due to start carrying passengers in 2007. C has applauded it after years of efforting to get it going, praising the benefits it will rain upon T and Ts. In its wake, the line has caused relocations of many Ts, as well as environmental damage.
disgruntled localsdisgruntled locals
disgruntled locals

not meant to undermine the unfortunate plight of Ts who have been forced to relocate, but here are some other pestered locals.

15th July 2005

Long Ride
What kind of card game can one play with three C's and one K? Was it crazy eights, Go fish, or Slap Jack?
16th July 2005

i alwayse nice to hear from you....
hey.. seeing your travel diary.. now you did great job.. i feel that you are doing great.. keep up the good working..^^ once i thought if you go there it took very long long time to hear from you cuz you know... i thought internet in china i mean rural area in china it's hard to use.. but you leave news about your travel and i feel that there ... maybe different to what i thought. anyway you seems to go to Tibet step by step. maybe in the near furture i can see such a beautiful scene of Tibet by your camera.. i looking forward to see that.. i'm very busy these day.. my son min - suk (it meas big jade---kind of jewel). we have to keep an eye on him. he alwayse cry and we have to check 1. diaper 2. if he is hungry 3. if he want to sleep 4. if he want to play 5. etc.. ^^ very busy.. every your friend here is the same nothing special.. ^^ i started study camera. i wanted to take good picture of my son. so.. anyway i want to send you picture of my son but here um.. i have to find way..^^ anyway take care and see you.

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