Quick Snapshot of the rest of Tibet...

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Asia » China » Tibet » Friendship Highway
June 17th 2006
Published: June 17th 2006
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Important to note that there are no paved roads in Tibet (or at least not where we were) so very bumpy ride with 6 in a Land Rover.

After the day from hell we headed off to Gyantse, where we enjoyed the beautiful Kumbum (yes, that is what its called) and it is a building with 7 floors each with at least 6 chapel/buddist gods in it. Gyantse was also the home of the best sweet and sour chicken to date.

Then off to Shigatse to a huge monestary, about 700 monks currently live there. Then to Latse, where somewhere in between I (Alex) got terribly sick, fever and all... so I spent the night hiding from the cows with T taking good care of me.

Then to Everest Base Camp, where my favorite tent was named 'Hotel Califoria'. We stayed in the monestary, which was modest at best... there is a great window story about this stay...which involved a few drinks at 5190m and some peeping kids... will elaborate later at a more appropriate time.

Then a few days of travel and sights and back to Lhasa.... then off to Chengdu, then Hong Kong and now
Kumbum with usKumbum with usKumbum with us

neat eyes!!
India. Four flighs in 4 days, and we are almost in Kolkata!

Additional photos below
Photos: 4, Displayed: 4


Everest Base CampEverest Base Camp
Everest Base Camp

Prayer Flags
Everest Base CampEverest Base Camp
Everest Base Camp

T and A having a beer at 5200m....whoa what a buzz!!

17th June 2006

Hey guys, I'm jealous at all your travels and the amazing experiences you're having. Keep having a good time and be safe. Talk to you soon, love, Mark
19th June 2006

Looks amazing...T please take it easy on the little kids...remember you are BIG T and look like everest to them! Have fun in India....Alex I hope that it is everything you want it to be...ps..I would like some furniture!....Love you guys, Brady

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