The Global Centre

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June 5th 2017
Published: June 6th 2017
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My whole class went to the Global Centre this weekend. We all organized to meet at the entrance of the massive centre. In the shopping centre there is a waterpark and an indoor beach. The entrances have marble floors and pillars of gold. It looks like it cost a hell of a lot of money to build. I was going to get my ears pierced because it’s so cheap, but I didn’t because I made an agreement with my mum not to get them done till I’m 18. We spent practically the whole day in the shops, although, I didn’t buy any clothes. It was a pretty fun time and at the end of the day my feet hurt so much from all the walking.

Avalon slept over at my host family’s home that night. Everyone that has come over to my house has loved it. My host mum is so friendly and speaks really good English. The days have been so long and I don’t get much sleep at nighttime. School days seem to last way too long. Sometimes I have to catch the bus home with Bob (my host boy), it’s so busy and people shove a lot. I’ve kind of gotten used to people staring at me; it just gets really annoying sometimes.

My host mum said that when I’m older, I will have a line of men following me. She started laughing because a man swerved on the road because he was watching me. She’s so lovely and it’s easy to get along with her. Bob doesn’t talk any English and he’s so shy. My host dad left to go to work in Beijing a couple of days after I arrived.



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