banana chips....

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Asia » China » Shaanxi » Xi'an
March 30th 2007
Published: March 30th 2007
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hello all...sorry its been so long....

we will update on the rest of beijing but things are currently happening so fast its hard!

we are currently in xi'an...much smaller and nicer than beijing. yesterday we went to see the terracotta warriors...that were burried underground for 2000+ years...fantastic....had an amazing dinner for 1.50 (and two beers in that tooo!) its mad. xi'an has also got a really nice bar becasue its warm we all sat out side ( had my first cocktail of the adventure...marg...yum!) anyway there was band was fantastic...we had some oasis, travis...and brtiney! but it was lovely....also we seem to not only be playing a lots of cards but also dice! anyway...we combatted any form of hangover by getting up at 8am to cycle round the city wall, which was so quiet. its supposedly 14km but we did it in not too sure about that one but it was great...followed by breakfast of a massive chunk of pineapple for 15p!

i call this banana chips though becasue thats seems to be our staple dier...xian is the capital of dried fruit and we all live on it...the standard phrase to be heard amongst us is 'banana chip anyone?'

anyway...had better go...we've got to get on a 17hr train journey to shanghai...done 14 hrs already to be honest its not that bad!

sorry still no photos...i can't upload any on its all in chinese and my camera is temperemetal at the best of times!

still lots of love to you all



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