I've got a problem..

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Asia » China » Shaanxi » Xi'an
July 3rd 2005
Published: July 3rd 2005
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11:00am, Youth Hostel.
Yesterday, i was the local performer. I went down to the bar and performed for thirty minutes. I was an instant celebrity amongst the mat sallehs. As i walk down the hall with my towel over my shoulders, everyone i passed said "hello" to me. I think it is time for me to leave though. I am getting too comfortable here in Xi'an. I tried to book for a ticket from the hostel reception to Lanzhou but the trains are all booked due to the summer holidays. My feet was still sore from the hike and i decided not to push myself too hard today and take it easy.

1:00pm, Youth Hostel
After having breakfast i went to marts room and together me, mart and this other australian lady thats in her 50's took a bus to the train station and from there, took a bus to the famous Hot springs. Apparently the Tang Dynasty frequented this place along with all his concubines. I expected a place to relax and dip myself in warm water. It has been raining since yesterday which makes going out unpleasant.

2:00pm, Huqing Shi Hot Springs
I should have expected this. Knowing china, everything has been turned to a commercial centre. The place was filled with old chinese Tang Dynasty architechture. Apparently, this was a site for modern history as well. They call it the Xi'an incident and was a major turnpoint during the communist rise in china. I saw many bullet holes on the walls and window panes. Finally, after having a small picnic we decided to get the hell out of there. It was not what we expected so, after 2 hours of roaming the 'park' we caught the next bus home. The only good thing about it was that i had gotten half price. I tricked them into thinking my Malaysian IC was a student card. Therefore, i got student price. The tourist places in china are expensive, and from now on, i will always flash my IC!!...

6:00pm, Youth Hostel
A bunch of Koreans and Chinese has invited me for dinner at some muslim restaurant. I decided to go. The food was brilliant. They had some spices i never even heard of. Pedas nak mampos. And the pedas is different than the wasabi or sambal pedas. It was a different kind.

9:45pm, Youth Hostel
I'm sorry theres not much to report. It was really an uneventful day. Tomorrow night i will head out of Xi'an and travel further west into Lanzhou. I plan to stay there one night then off to Xiahe. Tibet is too far to go, so i decided to visit a place nearer and often known as a mini-tibet. It would be just a minor detour towards my final destination, Xinjiang province. I thought, if i didn't visit the monasteries and did not hear the sounds of Om, i did not come to China at all. Tomorrow i will visit the Great Mosque. Apparantly, the place i visited was not the great mosque of Xi'an. It was just some small mosque. I will also go to the Forest of Steles Museaum. It holds a lot of artifacts and information about the history of the Silk Road. Thank you vinod for your excellent suggestion. Included is a map of where i have been so far. Till next time, pai pai!!

Additional photos below
Photos: 12, Displayed: 12


I started from ShanghaiI started from Shanghai
I started from Shanghai

Thanks Vinod.. Excellent suggestion..

3rd July 2005

ok... i see the V. now all youve got left is the I.N.O.D
3rd July 2005

another thing wei you have to visit a shaolin temple and document it for me.
5th July 2005

At least there's sum good shat to read when I'm at the office. Guess those sessions of Prop Cycle at BSC didn't go to waste after all, eh? Cool pics by the way... :D Oh yeah... it's 'Museum', not 'Meseaum' :P
6th July 2005

I think i'll go to china nextime with Ail then we can do some real Kinky stuff !
9th July 2005

wow u've covered most of it
dude .. next destination kat ne backpacking .count me in ... south america cam best je !!!

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