DAY 8 - addendum

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Asia » China » Jiangsu » Nanjing
June 20th 2008
Published: June 22nd 2008
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300000 victims300000 victims300000 victims

Comemorative Bell - 6 t worth (sorry - Jac took this one)
The trouble with not keeping up with diaries or bloggs every day is that you can easily confuse one day with the next. I forgot to mention somewhere we visited after lunch with Dana (Kwan was sick of walking!) which is well worth a mention. It was a memorial museum to remember the 300 000 Chinese men, women and children who were massacred by the Japanese on the days following Dec 13 1937 after being defeated in the preceding invasion on Nanjing. We couldn’t take photos inside but it was quite a powerful exhibition about an event that I personally knew nothing about. In fact the Japanese have been invading China off and on for about 70 years right up until the yanks dropped a couple of bombs on them in 1945. (Funny that the exhibition never mentioned the Americans part in their victory over the Japanese - everyone’s got their own slant on things eh) Anyway it was well worth the visit.

Additional photos below
Photos: 4, Displayed: 4


300000 victims300000 victims
300000 victims

Sculptures outside the museum
300000 victims300000 victims
300000 victims

Sculptures outside the museum
300000 victims300000 victims
300000 victims

Memorial statue for peace

23rd June 2008

Jen finally let me onto the travel blog...she's tough. The pictures are amazing and glad to hear you're enjoying the big OW you silly kids. Ha ha. Love you long time GI Jac and Bruce alrighty!
24th June 2008

Thanks for that Steve, I don't mind being corrected. As a westerner who hasn't studied China it's easy to get confused with the politics especially when it comes to Taiwan. Where are you from?

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