A Night in Nanjing

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Asia » China » Jiangsu » Nanjing
October 6th 2007
Published: October 9th 2007
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Being in Shanghai for Dan meant an important opportunity to see her mother's former very close friend, whom she calls aunty, two hours by rail up the track at Nanjing, the capital of Jiangsu province. We arrived in mid evening and got dropped off by the taxi driver, a block away from our destination. We (eventually) visited their lovely flat and were lavished with hospitality, including a meal of crabs! It was also wonderful to see the 8 week old beautiful daughter of their son and his wife who also lived in their flat. After a night in an unmemorable suburban hotel and breakfast at a local restaurant, it was time to return to the station for our train. At least one could see a little more of Nanjing by daylight and indeed on the train back to Shanghai where we caught the plane home to Shenzhen. Apart from family photos, our only record of our visit were photos taken in the suburban street near our hotel, and a view looking out over the great Xuanwuhu Park from Nanjing Station. On the train on the way back, I saw some fascinating glimpses of great transportation canals, of major irrigation systems in the country and of the huge Taihu Lake in the bottom corner of Jiangsu province. The lights of Shenzhen's buildings were also a fantastic sight from the plane coming in.

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12th October 2007

da la!!!!!........i saw my mum's photo here!!!!!....seens like you guys had a wonderful trip around..china!!!!!!...thereFore, you guys have to visit me here in canberra..where i can show you ..mnnnn.....nth but square buildings and...grass here..hahahahha!!!.... ok.;..seriously....it's nice that you put all the stuffs on net..so i could see my love-lovely cousin.......and...her HusBand (ohmigod) ofcuz......

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