Finally some countryside....and more drinking !!!!

Asia » China » Guangxi » Guilin
October 25th 2006
Published: October 26th 2006
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Sorry we have let things slip a bit everyone! been very busy! Guilin/Yangshou Our ride to Chengdu airport was a little bit on the rushed side. we were assured it would only take us half an hour in a taxi but we didn't realise that our driver needed to stop and do some business in a nearby hotel! Luckily our flight was delayed by half an hour and when we checked in we were pleased to hear that w... Read Full Entry

Photos are below
Photos: 28, Displayed: 21


26th October 2006

Those pics are absolutely amazing! I was starting to worry, as you hadn't sent a blog recently, that maybe the Chinese were taking their revenge and adopting western girls.....
26th October 2006

Hi Ladies, I swear all you girls do is eat and drink!!! It sounds like my dream holiday. Love ya xxx
26th October 2006

Full body massage in Yangshuo
To get a 38 yuan full body massage in Yangshuo, go to the end of West Street, away from the river, and turn left on the main road. The massage place is on the left about 2 block down.
27th October 2006

Fab Photos
I am keeping up to date with your travels, its makes great reading and the photos are fab. Sounds like you are having a ball. I am jealous as hell!
27th October 2006

Hi, Sam, Hello, Vic, I am SOOOOOOO jealous..... looks the the trip is going to be everything you wanted.......bring me back a Thai bride......
27th October 2006

Im suprised the photo titled chinese woman didnt read "dolly's mum"!!! Photos are lovely.some look like paintings. Have a great birthday sam. xxx
1st November 2006

Full on eighties hair competition show! I like it! It's like a real life Edward Scissorhands village! xxxxx

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