Cycling Southern China, Vietnam, & Tibet

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January 7th 2008
Published: January 7th 2008
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All packed up at home!!
Hi folks! I'm Chris, my partner is G(Georgette), & we're leaving in two days to begin a three month cycling adventure that will take us(hopefully!) from Hong Kong through southern China and into Northern Vietnam and back up to Lhasa,Tibet. From there depending on how much time we have we'll probably fly to Xian(see our route map) and bike around that area for a while before making our way to Beijing after which we fly back home to Hull,Quebec Canada to an early spring after having hopefully missed a good chunk of our cold winter! The winter to date here has been pretty epic snow-wise(we can step from the snow in our backyard onto our garage roof! Anyway, we're pretty excited about the trip and think that we're as prepared as we're going to be! This blog is principally for family and friends to track our progress (and for them not to be worry warts--you know who you are!) but we'll also be writing this with a bit of a slant towards cycle tourists in case anyone chooses to read this as part of their research for a similar trip, as we ourselves did with other people's blogs. So for those of you non-cyclist's we hope you don't get bored with too much bike talk-lol!! Next stop-China! Onward ho!!!


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