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July 28th 2006
Published: July 28th 2006
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We had class today, then went to dinner, and later attempted to shop. Unfortunately we took the advice of one of the guys as to where we should go shopping and spent the evening traveling across the city, finally ending up not finding a market at which to shop. Instead he took us to an area that had just a couple of overpriced botiques. We have become accustomed to the massive markets that encourage bargaining and are filled with all kinds of knock-offs. These markets are the types of places where you can get the good deals.

Not much else happened today, except that I did finish "The Alchemist". I think it is a well written story, and very short and easy to read if you want something light with which to relax. It is mainly an inspirational story to follow your dreams and is appropriate for younger readers too.

I am going on a weekend trip outside of Beijing this weekend, so I won't be blogging tomorrow night. Hopefully I will get some nice pictures and some good stories to tell you all on Sunday night. The trip is being organized by one of my group member's co-workers and so I am just going with the flow and don't know what to expect exactly. I do know that we will be on the bus for four hours in order to get there and that it will be cooler than Beijing because it is in the grasslands. I am just excited to get out of Beijing!


28th July 2006

City life?
Is this a cooling off for the love of the city life? Hope you enjoy Shanghai. Am sure the Colonial city will be very different from the capitol.
29th July 2006

Hi, Tekla. :) Got a good laugh out of your cheesecake escapade. Your not alone. I have been in a similar situation just not so costly. We all can get caught off guard. Bet that was the best cheese cake you ever ate. :):):)

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