Wu Jie Ni

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August 30th 2005
Published: August 30th 2005
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That's my chinese name! The guy behind the counter thought it was an interesting name...don't know if that is god or bad.

My roomate left me, wanted an asian roommate so at the moment I am very alone. Beside I was told that have to move in one month anyway because they are ehh donig something to the place. Have no clue. I cant do anything anyway, ot even write my own name!!! And I haven't found an ATM yet...sigh
Had a really bad day yesterday, just wishing it was over...but today is better. Stefanie from the stes have arrived and I met some people that seem nice through my organization. Have to go or that lung x ray on riday though.scary. But I was told it was a fake examination...don't know about that though.

Hopefully, 'll be told soon when to srt. My present guess is on friday...or monda...or thursday...

anyway, I am a hotell now nd have to find my way back. Sorry about the spelling, not used to the computer.


31st August 2005

Cheer up!
Don't worry, I know it all seems strange at the moment but I'm sure after a couple of weeks you will have settled in and got your head around it all a bit more. Are you going to get a new roomate? It can be very tempting to hide in your room all day but that will just make you feel more homesick... but I appreciate that it's hard when you can't speak the language yet. But you will be able to soon - a little bit anyway! x x x

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