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April 23rd 2007
Published: April 23rd 2007
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me and dan are now in beijing!!! arrived here this afternoon on our last train journey of our trans-mongolian route... think we're both a bit stunned - it's really strange to find yourself in a completely different country when you arrive by train - think it's because normally you arrive in places on a plane so you're ready for it... this afternoon was jus hilarious as our first experience of china jus happened as we stepped out of the train station - think we've been thrown in the deep end!! it's fantastic though jus such a contrast as have spent the last few nights in the countryside - now in the heart of beijing!!

we both fell in love with mongolia - quite adament (spelling?!) will have to come back here again one day!! i think it's the people - they really are something - jus sooo friendly - we arranged through a guy we met back in london to have a driver and guide to show us around for our time in mongolia - really couldn't have asked for a lovelier guide and driver - our driver Nyama - what a star!! have decided he's the Del Boy of mongolia - seemed to know everyone!! constantly smiling and bursting into song throughout the day - a little firecracker!! had such an amazing few days there - only problem was really wasn't enough time!! had three nights in the countryside - we stayed in a different place each night - every one becoming more and more remote... and basic!! we found it amusing how accepting you become as the quality of the toilets gradually decline - first night a concrete bunker containing toliets - second place a wooden shack located a good hike away from your ger (traditional mongolian hut) probably a safe distance - then last night another shack this time minus the door - still quite a stunning view as you become one with nature!!

check this out... we went horse riding!! oh man!! (claud you must inform ann have been on a horse so no excuse next time i'n in notts!!) seriously the pain!! i'm ruined - there must be some technique i missed out on as the pain can't can't be normal!! i said to dan i should have known it wasn't for me as when i was helped on to the horse i was lifted then nearly fell off the other side... fool!! the lead up to the horse riding was amusing too... it wasn't like we were doing it with some company... just a nomadic family - their 16year old son took us - the shame he was such a pro, completely at easy - whereas me and sharma agreed was like we'd jus been tied on - on the horse but really riding so much as just being vaguely involved wit the whole process!! i swear i had the skitish one as the boy never let my one loose - it had to be next his one - if i got slightly separated seemed to get a right trot on - argh!! am lucky to be here!! dan said during the ride you just kept thinking i should be enjoying this more - taking in the scenery rather than jus clinging on for dear life!! anyway as i was saying beofre the riding was interesting too... as the nomadic family invited us into their ger - so there was us sat there just having all this weird stuff happen - you jus end up getting involed to be polite but not really understanding what's ahppening or more scarily what's coming next!! you first we were given some kind of warm milk type stuff! (found this funny as had already had a conversation with sharma - her telling me she's not the biggest fan of your regular kind of milk - so knew she'd be struggling with the luke warm odd coloured milk served up to us!!) then our guide told us the family had said they'd decided they'd like to adopt us - think we'd only been there for about 5mins... amusing as we were sat there obviously they were all talking about us - we're sat there all oblivious!! what Het our guide did relay to us was that the family were intruiged as to how two girls could be travelling around alone when we were so yound (probably more so because of me looking about 15years old!!) also that they wanted us to marry their 16year old son!! another ritaul that happened was that we were offered snuff by the older man - thought this was funny as we'd read that normally this is quite a privilege, offered typically to men!! jus became a tad serial having warm milk and snuff - jus wasn't expecting such fun and games!! after our riding had our second dose of warm milk this time encouraged by the older guy to add noodles / meat / potato to the mix - there was another ingredient which i didn't have but at the time couldn't quite work out what it was - dan told me after it was some giant lump of fat!! eww!! gross - seriously it was a white block of lard about the tennis ball - our driver Nyama had said the fat is like the best part to eat here - apparently the men love to eat the fat!! (lucky escape)

caught a taxi to the hostel - from that ride don't think either of us had really realised just how big beijing is - think it's coupled with the fact that we've come from mongolia!! we'll have to get our bearings tomorrow! our hostel in beijing could not be more beautiful - it's based in a traditional hutong so it's like a separate world tucked away in the city - has a little courtyard with food and drinks inside!! very traditional in it's interior... have jus spent the afternoon chilling out as had a rubbish night's sleep last night - seemed to have a temperature not entirely sure why as am fine now - bizarre!?

when we came out of the station today was amused by the starring - mainly older people just seem to stare but there's no reaction if you smile back - suppose they're jus taking in the sights same as us!!

think the plan is shower, a few beers and bed ready to take on beijing tomorrow!!

love to everyone


23rd April 2007

Oh my gosh!
Hey hun, great to read about your adventures especially this one! i have to admit to having a little giggle about the horse riding and the lardy milk! Sounds absolutely disgusting, you must give me the recipe! Guess it helps keep the body temperature up tho! Seems strange that you're so far away and we're stuck in daily life here! You must have so many experiences to share for when you get back, take lots of pics! Sooo looking forward to seeing you when you get back! Lots of love, Lids x

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