Siam Reap Temples Of Ankgor

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Asia » Cambodia
February 26th 2010
Published: March 4th 2010
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Siem ReapSiem ReapSiem Reap

Temples Of Angkor
Hi just to up date we have visited Siem Reap a very lovely town very lush lots of beautiful plants, a little bit touristy, but the main draw for tourism are The Temples of Angkor Wat which was the reason we visited this town.
We got up early to visit to watch the sunrise over the temple but it was covered in cloud this particular day which was a shame but never mind, we chose three temples as it is a vast complex you would need a week to see all the temples the area covers 180,sq km.We visited the Bayon,Ta Phrom which is featured in the movie tomb raider and is covered by jungle, and the temple on very ones list Angkor Wat, we employed a tuk tuk driver to ferry us around as it just is to far and to hot to walk.The temples are amazing the history and detailing is quite complex but you will see from the photos we have up loaded. All in all a great experience and somewhere Julie had always wanted to visit . take care up date soon xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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Siem ReapSiem Reap
Siem Reap

Temples Of Angkor
Siem ReapSiem Reap
Siem Reap

watching the sunset which did not happen we could not load the pics we wanted to so this is all for now.

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