There are duo to do the wind the rain cloud

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February 4th 2010
Published: February 4th 2010
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For a long time, Mei's heart has been raining, and she looked forward to snow, winter, perhaps it could give her overwhelming pain in the hearts of frozen bar.
Finally saw the snow drifting Piaowu mass, Mei hands and a book of looking blankly out the window, ears that she repeatedly sang a few seasonal songs: the wind, rain duo do have clouds, a rain cloud to do , cloud the mind are all rain episodes are all rain, wind, rain duo do have clouds, rain do flower clouds, clouds in the wind heartbroken ... ...
Mei and Wei is a school alumnus, Wai is the student council, Wai is the sun, wisdom, outstanding results, isCampusWhere mass lover, so many girlsYouthIdol. He was tall and handsome, witty and lively, walking in theCampusLane is a landscape. He became a girl's fantasy, of course, but also quiet and sensitive plum.
Three years later, an ordinary plum on the university, while Wei went to major universities. One day, Mei Wei suddenly received a letter from Wei said: "There are some things even more as the years stack crisp and strong, and some words if not, it is necessary to miss, then that is a life-long regret, no longer turn around and go back. "So Wei went on to say:" Mei, you are my secret crush, your text gentle affair deeply attracted me, anyway I can not forget your rich and depression, I like your delicate and sensitive, and we hand life, okay? "
Mei also fears of surprise, she was very inferior in front of Wei, Wai excellent Jeanmet have chosen to flee, Mei Wei's side that a girl must be very many, Wai she is not able to grasp and have a boy, wrote to Mei-wei, boyfriend has been falsely themselves.
After nearly a decade, has married the young Digest plum chance to see the Wei wrote her article, Mei Shen Huyou mind for a long time, eyes moisten things are pouring. She Wei moved by the tenacity and unreasoning passion, but also for their own reckless and hasty and self-reproach, especially he does notHappinessMarriage Gengrang her deep regret and frustration, after all, the reality is very cruel.
Later, Mei Wei, and she was suddenly aware of the same old friends in a city, friends and Wei have the opportunity to meet. Wei Mei know marriage: his 32-year-old was married and found a body looks very like a plum with the wife, the wife with no higher education, in government departments. His wife's character, self-cultivation, temperament is not wei like. Wei's wife, once went so far as suspected cases of the Office of theft, so Wei very upset and frustrated.
They often quarreled, wives hot-tempered, cynical character to make home appliances constantly updated in the shattered, a TV was also smashed a young son, for which his wife had run away with his son for a long time.
One day, Mei met an online netizens called the sun, plum think he is very personality, creativeness agility also Business Planning, without too many long-winded and sweet talk. There is no gallant gentle and considerate, language, witty humor. Mei a very good impression of this User. Whenever you see the sun online, plum on his leisurely pursuit of chatting.
Sunlight is very artistic taste, really understand them to appreciate that he is very artistic excellence, a rich plum felt in between the lines and happy. They played the keyboard and harmonious movement of the soul, the sun so that the days of dark plum full of bright and happy, Mei's face radiate outYouthGlory.
Mei sitting in the office, colleagues are saying: the vicinity of the school occurred in one case, a 36-year-old teacher mysteriously disappeared over a month leave to go out a doctor is not audio, finally turned out to be in and meet anyone, they were User stab to death . Mei heard chilling.
After dinner, plum open the computer, which jumped out of the sun's Message: Life let us meet, missingYouthThe fate. Walked the streets, wind in the clouds, after years same applies thick mist, a heart for many years of waiting, the interpretation of the legend ends of the earth. Let the reality of my life into a numb body, soul, wind Piaoyuan long, our lives too much frustration, had learned to comfort himself, though Tiangeyifang, or think you are, in Piaoyu the night, in the colorful dreams .
Mei replied to the sun's message: Thank you for your affection.
Such an approach can only be love, can not spend the people, can only make tears flow quietly put thoughts remain in the bottom of my heart, to cherish each other's silent, to bless. Mei went to the window, the window again Piaoqi the rain is warm the hearts of plum, the plum suddenly felt his heart was so enriching.
Mei was thinking: how kind they are encountered in the vast network the sea the sun, as if he was interested in have been waiting for her, he seemed to know her a lot, always touching to her usual secrecy of the vulnerable and moved; been able to hold herLifeExperience some of the defects, or a certain kind of desire; he rocked the plum of that kind of inexplicable usual Bengzhuo calm; he seemed to see a plum hidden behind sounded calm dust.
Winter mountain breeze mixed with snow pounding the window lattice, Mei alone stand at the windows, the distance is a vast expanse of whiteness of the mountains, near the houses and trees are also submerged in the snow in a world full of misty hazy, Mei thoughts Also wind and snow drifting into the distance ... ...
Mei does not understand: love one is very difficult to forget a person's harder to love a person that isHappinessWas painful too, like a tired man are both lovely, and so a people are very stupid silly, but why they are powerless to extricate themselves?
Mei wrapped work on the road walking in the sunset, the air is fresh, the sun was very warm. The phone rings: "Mei, you know who I am? I was youLifeThe mountains, I came to you here on a business trip. "
Mei said: "You're not joking. You really come to me it?"
Sunshine said: "I am two days after the" plum heart disorders, shortness of breath, her irrepressible excitement.
"You take what trips? I better go to the station to meet you, ah!"
Sunshine said: "No, I went to give you a call later." I just want to give you a surprise, that is specially want to see you, specially to see your work and theLifeAreas. "Mei happy laugh.
Take calls, Mei mind suddenly thrown into confusion, imagine the sun's appearance, she had some desire, but also some apprehension.
Two days later, the sun a telephone call Menou Li said quietly: "I am the temporary emergency unit, I have in the field, and can not see you, ask for you understanding."
Sunshine said; "It does not matter, but I meet is full of our imagination, that is, did not expect such a result." Hear out of the sun very disappointed.
Didi De Mei voice said: "We will also have the opportunity to meet together."
Mei felt the frustration and loss of sunlight. She did not understand the reasons for his refusal to meet. She closed the phone, it was very melancholy, heart inexplicable loneliness and melancholy.
Long time no news of the sun, plum hair every day of information and a message is no response, the network really do that can not be trusted? Mei every day waiting for the suffering, in the boring and repetitive changeLifeIn the bustle.
One day, Mei suddenly received a sunny message: Mei, I just have not forgotten you and Scott over the years, you have been a goddess in my mind, no matter how many years passed, you will always be I do not regret the attachment, your text and the emotion of sex has been integrated into my dreams for years. It is only the fate and feelings have to wait for the afterlife be adjourned, and I went to see you, is lung cancer, I am now in Shanghai, cancer has come to late life, for me, within sight. OriginalHappinessAnd life is very short, thank you, you made me realize theLoveAnd life better.
Mei's heart dropped to the bottom, tears gush of tears, Mei blurted out: "I want to see you, you tell me your address."
Wei said: "Thank you, I'm sorry, I will not let you see my pain and despair ... ..."
Snow increases, there were numerous, Mei's world began to blur and dizziness, snow falls on the heart plum, biting the cold, the window of the world is still chaotic confusion, a plum eyes overflowing with tears, slowly flowing ... ... She opened the Computer, bottom of my heart more and more plaintive songs of ... ...
There are duo to do the wind the rain cloud
To do a rain cloud
The hearts of all the rain clouds
Episodes are all the rain
There are duo to do the wind the rain cloud
To do a rain cloud
Clouds in the wind heartbroken
I do not know where to turn towards the
Blowing Chuichui Petals Montreal
Can not find the slightest pity
Float splendidly over 10 million years
Hard waiting for your Guiqi
Whenever the sky then it began to rain
There are duo to do the wind the rain cloud
Whenever you thought of hearts
There are duo to do the wind the rain cloud


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