01/06/2008 - Phnom Penh

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January 6th 2008
Published: January 6th 2008
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Today we spent the whole day sight seeing and it wore me out!

We left at 9am aboard a tuk-tuk to the Killing Fields - it was a 30 minute ride...kinda nice, and also kinda dusty! We got there and toured around...it was unreal. Thousands of people were just murdered there between 1975-1979.......they had a monument with built and it housed over 9000 skulls of the victims...it was just crazy. after we woke up our tuk-tuk driver, we rode to the S-21 Prison Museum...this is were the people who were murdered were brought from - it used to be a high school but was turned into a prison where people were tortured and killed....the pictures there were pretty bad. after we were done with the museum, we went to meet our driver, but couldnt find him anywhere...so we walked, only about a mile back, so not bad.

after a quick break, we headed off to the national museum where tey had lots of sculptures and things from the ancient culture here, it was pretty neat. from there we had lunch at an outdoor restaurant...it was local food - - i had beef on a stick and rice...it was pretty good. after lunch we went to the royal palace...it was pretty cool...it reminded me of the european palaces with the decorations and such!

after the palace we walked across town to phnom wat - the highest point in the city were there is a pagoda, where people pray to buddah.......we got there and saw the buddah statues and then we got to see why we really wanted to go.....monkeys! there were a lot of monkeys who live in the trees there....people were feeding them and they were just wandering around the crowds...i wanted to pick one up, but thought that might not be such a good idea..AND one pooped on greg from a tree! haha.

after seeing the monkeys we walked over to the usa embassy just to have a look - - it is a lot bigger and has a lot more security than any of the other embassys we have seen. - - after this we just walked back to the hostel, about 2 or 3 miles....

got back and washed my dirty feet off and relaxe for a bit...and here i am now. hanging out in the lobby of the hostel...planning on watching a movie they are going to show at 7pm...not much else to do, we have to wake up early again.

tomorrow we are taking the bus at 7am to siem reap - - 6 hours aon a bus again!

siem reap is where the angkor temple ruins are, so that should be really really cool. the hostel we are in the next 2 nights in siem reap is really cool looking, and has an indoor pool....so im pretty excited.

i am having a really good time, and learning alot so far. but i am also looking forward to coming home and going back to work! weird, i know.

more from siem reap!


7th January 2008

Sounds like you're having a good time! Can't wait to hear all about it when you get home. Have a fun time for the rest of your visit!

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