Temples, temples, temples oh and a lake

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Asia » Cambodia » North » Tonlé Sap
October 31st 2007
Published: November 1st 2007
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Day 2 started at 4.45 am in the pitch. We arranged to see the sunrise at Angkor Wat. Well just our luck that it was a misty day and no sun was to be seen. The place was pretty special at that time of day so the early start was not a complete waste.
By 6.30am the sun had risen and the hordes of tourist were piling into the main temple. At this point we made a swift exit and headed onto more temples inthe Angkor area.
We saw Preah Khan, Preah Neak Pean, Ta Som & Eastern Baray all by 11am. It was a really good time to do this as all thecrowds were in the main temple. For most places we were the only ones there - pretty special even if a little spooky.
By then we were templed out. We had breakfast in a road side stall and then headed to Tonle Sap Lake and the floating villages of chong kneas & flooded forest of kompong phhluk.
Well I dont know whether it was because we were tired or what but this was the biggest waste of time and money ever. The locals hve gone to town with the tourist $ and seek to rip people off at eveery opportunity.
I missed out the conmtinual harrasement by village children selling water/drinks for $2! It is so difficult to avoid them and they really try your paitence.
Well this river tour cost $15 each i.e 15 quid for the pair of us.
We got in a rickety old boat and chuged up the iver. Sure there were house boats with people living in then but once you had seen a few it was nothing special. Our ''tour guide'' tried to get us to stop at a shop but we knew that their would be a commission as soon as we got of the boat and we would have to buy something. We werent even safe on water as little boats came up us all the time with cans of drink and black bananas shroved in our faces. It is very difficult to keep your cool with their persistence and in the heat.
In the end we told our guide to take us back. He then had the cheek to ask for another $20 for his services. As soon as we docked we got straight off and walk through the jungle of sellers to our tuk tuk leaving some very disgruntled faces. Blimey I never thought cambodia would be so expensive. Just shows was tourism does in a poor area.
We spent the rest of the afternoon by the pool and treated ourselves to a slap up meal in some trendy bar.
We booked a bus to Phnom Pehn to pick us up the next day.
Good bye Siem Reap!


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