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September 15th 2006
Published: September 15th 2006
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hey everyone, im back to slow internet and no internet for the next couple of days so might be a while till i get some pics up again and updates may not happen for a couple days. But i have been upto a bit like yesterday i did sunrise at angkor wat which was really cool despite the clouds, i felt like a big geek with my headlamp but you really couldn't see anything for a while without it. So we explored angkor wat for a while then went to the land mine museum which was really good to go see, a local runs the place and decommisions mines with just a stick and a screw driver no metal detector no nothing, he also has adopted 11 boys who are all land mine victims and gets help from volunteers to keep the place up and teach english to the kids and so on. It costs a developed country $500 a mine and this guy doesn't get paid a cent and does 100-200 mines an hour truly amazing. We then went to another temple cant remember the name right now but it was all made out of pink sand stone and is know as the ladies temple or something along those lines it is our local guides favorite because the carvings and art work are the most detailed and beautiful out of any of the temples. So it was an early night that night because of the early morning but we went out for dinner at a place called the blue pumpkin it was so trendy euro it was crazy, everything was white and they had huge couches to sit on and it was very trendy i would expect to find it someplace like new york but never cambodia. anyways today we went on a boat trip across the biggest lake in asia it was nice and relaxing but navigating that place would be a nightmare there is so many trees and shrubs its like a maze. THen we got to our hotel and ate and now the update then sleep the sun wears you out pretty fast.


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