tues day 130

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May 31st 2015
Published: May 31st 2015
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Yesterday it seemed like a really good idea to go and see Angkor Wat at sunrise, but when the reality alarm clock goes off at 4am it somehow feels different! We met our tuk tuk driver at 04.45 at the hotel and we were off for a day of temples! Firstly we got our $20 tickets - ouch! Along with about 500 other tourists, and we were taken to Angkor Wat. Its a large temple and seeing it in the early morning light made it look quite spectacular. As we sat and waited for the sun to rise behind it we took in the beautiful scenery of a large moat surrounding the temple. Going for a walk around the site and stopping for a fresh coconut on the way to getting some breakfast. I'd heard that there were cornflakes at Angkor Wat but at $5 a bowl they can keep them - possibly the worlds most expensive bowl of cornflakes? So opting for a cup of tea and Kate and I shared a cheese baguette instead. Continuing around the temple taking lots of pictures we made our way back to our tuk tuk driver. The next stop was to Banteay Srei ( or women's temple) which was a further half an hour away. This temple is on a miniature scale to Angkor Wat and is much more intricate. The stones are a reddish pink and again is surrounded by a moat. This temple still has amazing detail though it was built in the tenth century as apposed to Angkor Wat which was built in the twelfth century. Kate found a beautiful white tree in the grounds in which to leave something personal for her friend mads who sadly had passed away earlier this year, so we sat for a while to take in the moment. When Kate was ready we returned to our driver and taken to see palm sugar being made in one of the villages. We saw the ladies making it and got to try some - with such a sweet tooth I thought it was lovely - Kate wasn't so sure! Wrapped in bamboo I brought some to keep me going on my trip. Onwards from here we were taken to see a further 4-5 temples, some we wandered round while others we just snapped from the comfort of the Tuk tuk. One we stopped off at feactures a huge tree and its routes growing out and around a temple - which apparently crops up in the tomb raider film? Will maybe, have to watch it when I get home! Before getting back in the tuk tuk we decided to grab a fruit shake - while waiting half a dozen 5-8yr olds came up to us desperate for us to give them money or buy something - I gave them a dollar and didn't expect anything in return. The kids wear dirty clothes, have dirty hair and only get to wash in the rivers - its heart wrenching to see and I had a little cry as we set off. Its difficult to watch. We were taken back to the hotel for an hour or two r and r before meeting up with Jenna again for dinner. All opting for a tasty Cambodian curry for only $3.50 - a bargain! We then went in search of a bar - Siem reap is packed with bars but somehow we ended up back at our hotel drinking a locally made rice spirit that Kate had brought! Alcohol content was 40% so here's hoping for not too much of a stonking hangover in the morning!


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